java - Quartz scheduler not executing the SQL Query in a dropwizard application -

i've application created using dropwizard framework i've registered quartz-scheduler job scheduled run after every specified duration. job fires sql query sql server db , iterates resultset , sets data pojo class later pushed queue.

the sql query has union joining multiple tables fetches data records modified in delta time using last_modified_time column of related table in clause. db jar included in pom.xml sqljdbc-4.4.0 , quartz version 2.2.1

the query looks this:

select      u.last_modified_date,      u.account_id,      u.user_id,      ud.is_active  user u (nolock)  join user_details ud (nolock) on u.account_id = ud.account_id , u.user_id = ud.user_id  u.last_modifed_date > ? , ud.last_modifed_date <= ?  union  select      u.last_modified_date,      u.account_id,      u.user_id,      ud.is_active  user u (nolock)  join user_details ud (nolock) on u.account_id = ud.account_id , u.user_id = ud.user_id  join user_registration_details urd (nolock) on urd.account_id = u.account_id , urd.user_id = u.user_id , urd.reg_id = ud.reg_id urd.last_modifed_date > ? , urd.last_modifed_date <= ? 

this query called simple connection statement , resultset this

final manageddatasource datasource configuration.getdatabase().build(environment.metrics(), "sql"); // configuration configuration class in drop wizard application , configuration.getdatabase() returns  // datasourcefactory credentials user, password , url set try (connection conn = datasource.getconnection()) {       int resultsettype = sqlserverresultset.type_ss_server_cursor_forward_only;       int resultsetconcurrency = resultset.concur_read_only;"starting execution: ");       try (preparedstatement pstmt = conn.preparestatement(getquery(), resultsettype,resultsetconcurrency))       {          setqueryparameters(pstmt);          try (resultset rs = pstmt.executequery();)           {            //process results           }      }   } catch (sqlexception | ioexception ex) {         logger.error(“error occurred “ +  ex); }"completed execution: "); 

in simple execution, prints logs "starting execution" , processes records , prints "completed execution". during execution, it's printing logs "starting execution" , "completed execution" query not fired sql db.

as didn't records modified in delta time, put profiler check if query fired , didn't found query firing db. also, i've tried adding log4jdbc library print query logs no logs printed query.

with (nolock) not mysql syntax. @ settings in wizard , see if have specified correct rdbms engine. in particular, sounds sql server syntax.

the equivalent may involve setting transaction isolation level read uncommitted.



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