- Azure Active Directory Reply URL redirecting to root -

i trying implement authentication using azure ad. in application setting setting reply urls when login redirects me , not specified url

how can make sure redirects @ proper url? following code startup.

    public void configuration(iappbuilder app) {     app.setdefaultsigninasauthenticationtype(cookieauthenticationdefaults.authenticationtype);      app.usecookieauthentication(new cookieauthenticationoptions());      app.useopenidconnectauthentication(         new openidconnectauthenticationoptions         {             clientid = configurationmanager.appsettings["owin:clientid"].tostring(),             authority = "",             redirecturi = configurationmanager.appsettings["redirecturi"].tostring()         }); } 

how trigger sign in flow? if following samples , initiating sign in invoking challenge shown in, might want make sure redirecturi in authenticationproperties points url (as in, after auth) want land on. know, it's incredibly confusing - redirecturi property in oidc options point redirect want use in auth protocol, 1 on want receive auth token- , 1 in authenticationproperties local url want redirected after exchange identity provider concluded. proerties have same name historical reasons.



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