Hadoop Java - copy file from windows share folder server to HDFS -

i want upload multiple file windows share folder server (e.g. //server_name/folder/) hdfs using java

list of methods have tried

  • org.apache.hadoop.fs.fileutil set input path = //server_name/folder/ says java.io.filenotfoundexception: file //server_name/folder/ not exist

  • filesystem.copyfromlocalfile (i think local hadoop server hdfs server)

  • ioutils.copybytes same fileutil >> file not exist

  • a simple file.renameto same fileutil >> file not exist

    string source_path = "\\server_name\folder\xxx.txt";

    string hdfs_path = "hdfs://hadoop_server_name:port/myfile/xxx.txt";

    file srcfile = new file(source_path);

    file dstfile = new file(hdfs_path);


do need create ftp or how using ftpfilesystem?

or have better solution or sample code

thank you

filesystem has copyfromlocal method:

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.configuration;  import org.apache.hadoop.fs.filesystem;  configuration configuration = new configuration(); configuration.set("fs.defaultfs", "hdfs://abc:9000");  filesystem fs= filesystem.get(configuration); fs.copyfromlocalfile(new path("/source/directory/"),    new path("/user/hadoop/dir")); 



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