javascript - React-Leaflet polygons are not being re-rendered -
i'm trying make dynamic polygons using react's state, leaflet polygons not being re-rendered.
the target create polygon user creates clicking in map.
class simpleexample extends react.component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { positions: [[51.505, -0.09]] }; } addposition = (e) => { const {positions} = this.state console.log('adding positions', positions) positions.push([, e.latlng.lng]) this.setstate({positions}) } render() { console.log('should render new positions', this.state.positions) const staticpositions = [[51.505, -0.09], [51.4958128370432, -0.10728836059570314], [51.49602657961649, -0.09956359863281251]] return ( <map center={[51.505, -0.09]} onclick={this.addposition} zoom={13} > <tilelayer attribution='© <a href="">openstreetmap</a> contributors' url='http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' /> <polygon positions={this.state.positions} color="blue" /> <polygon positions={staticpositions} color="red" /> <polyline positions={this.state.positions} /> </map> ); } }
please checkout fiddle:
you can copy in jsfiddle , should work. hope helps.
i have initial state empty array first click decides start drawing <polygon>
, of course can use initial coordinate, that's totally you.
using arrow function (prevstate) => {}
can update state depending on "previous state", here we're taking new coordinates , using concat()
add our positions
you can find more information updating state here.
const react = window.react; const { map, tilelayer, marker, popup, polygon } = window.reactleaflet; class simpleexample extends react.component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { positions: [] }; } addposition = (e) => { const newpos = [, e.latlng.lng]; this.setstate(prevstate => ( { positions: prevstate.positions.concat([newpos]) } )); } render() { return ( <map center={[51.505, -0.09]} onclick={this.addposition} zoom={13}> <tilelayer attribution='© <ahref=""> openstreetmap</a> contributors' url='http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' /> <polygon positions={this.state.positions} color="blue" /> </map> ); } } window.reactdom.render(<simpleexample />, document.getelementbyid('container'));
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