sql server - Select all columns when using INNER JOIN -

this question has answer here:

i have sql code :

select     tb_dataproperti.*,     tbl_rating.isnull(avg(rating), 0) averagerating      tb_dataproperti inner join      tbl_rating on tb_dataproperti.kode_properti = tbl_rating.kode_properti group      tb_dataproperti.judullisting order      averagerating desc 

i error:

msg 8120, level 16, state 1, line 3
column 'tb_dataproperti.kode_properti' invalid in select list because not contained in either aggregate function or group clause.

i want select data columns using *, because have many columns

problem trying use aggregate function of 1 table , group on table.the rule if using aggregate function column column should use in group by.still try hope useful.

  select         tb_dataproperti.*,         isnull(avg(tbl_rating.rating), 0)   on (partition tbl_rating.kode_properti) averagerating              tb_dataproperti     inner join          tbl_rating on tb_dataproperti.kode_properti = tbl_rating.kode_properti     order          averagerating desc 



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