Unable to diagnose MISCONF redis issue while launching celery worker server -

i use celery worker server redis broker url (for receiving tasks) result backend.

broker_url = 'redis://localhost:6379/2' celery_result_backend = 'redis://localhost:6379/2' app = celery('myceleryapp', broker=broker_url,backend=celery_result_backend)

i launch celery worker server using celery -a myceleryapp worker -l info -c 8

the worker processes start processing tasks redis queue until @ point, receive infamous misconf redis error , celery worker process terminates.

unrecoverable error: responseerror('misconf redis configured save rdb snapshots, not able persist on disk. commands may modify data set disabled. please check redis logs details error.',)

i checked redis log files in /var/log/redis , tail end of file has following

24745:c 19 aug 09:20:26.169 * rdb: 0 mb of memory used copy-on-write 1590:m 19 aug 09:20:26.247 * background saving terminated success 1590:m 19 aug 09:25:27.080 * 10 changes in 300 seconds. saving... 1590:m 19 aug 09:25:27.081 * background saving started pid 25397 25397:c 19 aug 09:25:27.082 # write error saving db on disk: no space left on device 1590:m 19 aug 09:25:27.181 # backgroun1590:m 19 aug 09:51:03.042 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. saving... 1590:m 19 aug 09:51:03.042 * background saving started pid 26341 26341:c 19 aug 09:51:03.405 * db saved on disk 26341:c 19 aug 09:51:03.405 * rdb: 22 mb of memory used copy-on-write 1590:m 19 aug 09:51:03.487 * background saving terminated success   

the dump.rdb file being written /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb. since logs reported no space left on device, checked disk space /var mounted , there seems sufficient space left (1.2gb).

how root cause of error if there enough disk space? of course, prevent error happening, set config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no in redis-cli. want root cause of error. or pointers?

maybe caused swap file. because swap file took 1.2gb space of disk. redis complains no space write.

try "swapon -s" command check this.

i think 1.2gb not enough if disk accept ram page swap. should change dir of rdb in more big dir.



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