python - Tkinter Drop down Menu -

i trying add entry fields based on tkinter dropdown menu not sure doing correctly. when select option on 1 of drop down menu not getting new entry fields popping up. code have far. have tried putting if statements in external function , putting command inside optionmenu , still did not work.

    tkinter import *   def callback():     numques = int(e1.get())     = 0     while <= numques:         variable = stringvar(top)         variable.set("questions type") # default value         w = optionmenu(top, variable, "short answer", "multiple choice", "fill in blank",                   "true of false", "matching", "ordering")          w.grid(row = i*2+2, column=0)         ques = stringvar(top, value='question')         ans = stringvar(top, value='answer')         choice = stringvar(top, value='answer choices')          if variable.get() == "short answer":             q = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = ques)             q.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 2, columnspan=2)             = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = answ)             a.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 4, columnspan=2)          if variable.get()  == "multiple choice":             q = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = ques)             q.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 2, columnspan=2)             c = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = answ)             c.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 4, columnspan=2)             = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = answ)             a.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 6, columnspan=2)          if variable.get()  == "true or false":             q = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = ques)             q.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 2, columnspan=2)             = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = answ)             a.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 6, columnspan=2)          if variable.get()  == "fill in blank":             q = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = ques)             q.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 2, columnspan=2)             = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = answ)             a.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 4, columnspan=2)          if variable.get()  == "ordering":             q = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = ques)             q.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 2, columnspan=2)             = entry(top, bd = 5, textvariable = answ)             a.grid(row=i*2+2, column = 4, columnspan=2)          = i+1   top = tk() top.geometry("600x600") top.title("ecampus quiz developer") l1 = label(top, text="how many questions quiz be?") l1.grid(row=0, column=0) e1 = entry(top, bd = 5) e1.grid(row=0, column=1)  mybutton1 = button(top, text="submit", width=10, command=callback) mybutton1.grid(row=1, column=1)  top.mainloop() 



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