javascript - jquery display none not working -

gurus, using jquery hide or display fields based on field value options. used hide , show function , working fine, there white space. changed use jquery display none hide fields. doesn't work, please help, thank you! below code.

<script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     jquery(document).ready(         function(){             hiderating('initial');         }     );      function hiderating(scope){         if(scope=='initial'){             jquery('[id$=callsupportbeforeoutput]').style.display = "none";             jquery('[id$=callsupportbeforequestionlabel]').style.display = "none";     } } 

jquery('[id$=callsupportbeforeoutput]') return array need provide index change style of elements. see below snippet.

jquery(document).ready(          function(){              hiderating('initial');          }      );        function hiderating(scope){          if(scope=='initial'){              jquery('[id$=callsupportbeforeoutput]')[0].style.display = "none";              jquery('[id$=callsupportbeforequestionlabel]')[0].style.display = "none";}  }
<script src=""></script>  <div style="background-color: red"> visible content  <div id="callsupportbeforeoutput">main content  </div>  <div id="callsupportbeforequestionlabel">second content  </div>  </div>

also mixing pure javascript jquery using style.display. can use .css() jquery method change style if don't want provide index of elements.



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