php - Conflict between two images that begin with same letter -

i have problem showing 2 images begin same letter, first 1 showing when call url, second 1 redirect me 404 error page ... notice when change name of second image different first letter, showing normally.

name of 2 images using:

  • tinyimg.png
  • tosave.png

and wanted show them on webpage: http://localhost/assets/img/tinyimg.png or http://localhost/assets/img/tosave.png! second 1 redirect error page 404.

this htaccess file using in root directory:

options +followsymlinks   rewriteengine on   rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{script_filename} !-d   rewritecond %{script_filename} !-f    rewriterule ^/(css|js|img)/([a-za-z0-9_-]+)?$ /$1/$2 [l,qsa,r=301] 

can show me error is?



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