php - How to fix Wordpress 404 moving from Apache to Nginx (Vesta)? -

hi :) have wordpress sites, trying move them shared hosting vps. first site moved without problems, still next site gives complete 404. doesn't matter base credentials use (no 'connect database' problem), no reaction. still can see static files inside directory (like robots.txt).

my main concern htaccess settings. on shared server used custom setting redirect:

rewriterule ^(s-stat) - [l] options +followsymlinks rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http_host} ^www\.ecobig\.ru$ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,l] rewritebase / rewritecond %{http:x-https} !1 rewriterule ^(.*)$ https://%{http_host}/$1 [r=301,l] 

moving nginx (vestacp) deleted htaccess files, hoping it'll work , adjust redirect later. still no signals of life site.

what need do? fix nginx conf, or add redirects, or disable plugins, before transfering? idea valuable :) also, said before, i've moved 1 non-https site vpn , works great, https can issue.

specs: ubuntu 16.04 vestacp vestacp wordpress2 , socket profiles let's encrypt certificate generated, works non-https (now it's https) site moved before

you might need changes nginx.conf file in order add same redirects https had before.

now, "permission denied" errors, check if user account used run nginx has access /home/admin/web/ , below.



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