android - convert the bitmap file (of a cuptured image) to a path file -
the photo parameter bitmap , checked , shows cuptured image
how can convert bitmap path able send attachment mail
this code :
protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.opencvhc); imgphoto = (imageview) findviewbyid(; bundle extras = getintent().getextras(); if (extras != null) { bm = (bitmapdataobject) getintent().getserializableextra("photo"); //obtaining data bitmap = bm.getbip(); imgphoto.setimagebitmap(bitmap); } checkmood = (button) findviewbyid(; check = (button) findviewbyid(; txtview = (textview) findviewbyid(; } public void checkclick(view view) throws ioexception { string file =, bitmap, "file", null); //uri screenshoturi = uri.parse(file); toast.maketext(opencvhc.this, file, toast.length_short).show(); final intent emailintent1 = new intent(android.content.intent.action_send); emailintent1.putextra(intent.extra_email, new string[]{""}); emailintent1.putextra(intent.extra_subject, "image processing picture"); emailintent1.setflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task); // emailintent1.putextra(intent.extra_stream, screenshoturi); emailintent1.putextra(intent.extra_text, "" + "we checked photo ecg-leads \n 1) : " + "\n image proccessing ___ "); emailintent1.settype("image/png"); try { startactivity(intent.createchooser(emailintent1, "send mail...")); } catch (android.content.activitynotfoundexception ex) { toast.maketext(opencvhc.this, "there no email clients installed.", toast.length_short).show(); } }
see solution , don't forget check "write_external_storage" permission before writing file. reference : android: saving bitmap external memory
public void saveimagetoexternalstorage(bitmap finalbitmap) { string root =environment.getexternalstoragepublicdirectory(environment.directory_pictures).tostring(); file mydir = new file(root + "/saved_images"); mydir.mkdirs(); random generator = new random(); int n = 10000; n = generator.nextint(n); string fname = "image-" + n + ".jpg"; file file1 = new file(mydir, fname); if (file1.exists()) file1.delete(); try { fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(file1); finalbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 90, out); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } // tell media scanner new file // available user. mediascannerconnection.scanfile(this, new string[] { file1.tostring() }, null, new mediascannerconnection.onscancompletedlistener() { public void onscancompleted(string path, uri uri) { log.i("externalstorage", "scanned " + path + ":"); log.i("externalstorage", "-> uri=" + uri); } }); }
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