authentication - Firebase Internal Error Occurred [Bad Request] - Email Auth -

i continue receive error when using createuserwithemailandpassword or signinwithemailandpassword. both throw "an internal error has occurred. [ bad request ]" error , can't figure out why. of api , sha1 keys between google api , firebase api match , have email/password authentication enabled. here's snippet of code, can't figure out why happens.

public void signin(string email, string password) {

mauth.signinwithemailandpassword(email, password)         .addoncompletelistener(new oncompletelistener<authresult>() {           @override           public void oncomplete(@nonnull task<authresult> task) {              if (task.issuccessful()) {               //on successful sign in...                //take user mainactivity               intent intent = new intent(getcontext(), mainactivity.class);               startactivityforresult(intent, 1);               dialogfragment.dismissallowingstateloss();              } else {               //if user can't sign in, toast, hide progress bar, un-dim background, , make screen touchable again               toast.maketext(getcontext(), "invalid username or password", toast.length_short).show();               dialogfragment.dismissallowingstateloss();               getactivity().getwindow().clearflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_not_touchable);             }           }         }); } 



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