c# - Edit Row in LINQ -
i trying update row using linq below not doing update reason. have googled , can assure defenitely have primary key in table. below code:
public static returnedsavedsearchstatus editsavedsearches(eteach.objects.savedsearch savedsearch) { returnedsavedsearchstatus rtn = new returnedsavedsearchstatus(); et_tbl_talentpoolsavedsearch dbsavedsearch = new et_tbl_talentpoolsavedsearch(); dbsavedsearch = automapper.mapper.map<et_tbl_talentpoolsavedsearch>(savedsearch); if (dbsavedsearch.id < 0) { rtn.status = false; rtn.description = "error: id cannot less 0"; } else { using (eteachdatabasedatacontext ctx = new eteachdatabasedatacontext()) { var result = ctx.et_tbl_talentpoolsavedsearches.singleordefault(s => s.id == dbsavedsearch.id); if (result != null) { result = dbsavedsearch; // ctx.et_tbl_talentpoolsavedsearches.insertonsubmit(dbsavedsearch); ctx.submitchanges(); rtn.status = true; rtn.description = "saved search saved"; } } } return rtn; }
i think problem in assigning entire object, not change object content, changes memory address of object instead (you loosing object), should update each property individually this
result.property1 = dbsavedsearch.property1; result.property2 = dbsavedsearch.property2; ... ... ctx.submitchanges();
hope can you
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