javascript - Mocking jquery selector and returning an html element -

i trying test javascript function requires element present in dom. below function trying test:

auction.save_scroll_state = function() {     var user_agent = $window.navigator.useragent.tolowercase();     var is_android = user_agent.indexof("android") > -1;      if (is_android) {       var restore_pos = null;       debugger       if ($ == "items") {         restore_pos = $('#all-items').scrolltop();         $('#all-items').one('scroll', function(){$('#all-items').scrollto(restore_pos)});       }       else if ($ == "user_items"){         restore_pos = $('#your-items').scrolltop();         $('#your-items').one('scroll', function(){$('#your-items').scrollto(restore_pos)});       }     }   }; 

when run test , debugger type $('#all-items').length returns 0 indicating element cannot found. trying form kind of jasime spy mock out jquery selector. test below:

it ('save_scroll_state android user_agent all-items', inject(function($bwappstate, $location, $window) {   $window.navigator = {useragent: "mozilla/5.0 (linux; android 7.0; sm-g950f build/nrd90m) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/58.0.3029.83 mobile safari/537.36"};   var items_div = $("<div id='all-items'></div>");   var jq_div_spy = spyon($.fn, 'html' ).and.returnvalue(items_div);   var items_div_spy = spyon(items_div, 'scrolltop');   spyon($location, "search").and.returnvalue({section: 'items'});   $;   expect(items_div_spy).tohavebeencalled();   delete $window.nagivator; })); 

the main goal make sure scrolltop() gets called on html element has , id tag of id="all-items".

any appreciated

not ideally, as:

describe('scrolltop on .test', function(){      var scrolltopspy;      beforeeach(function(){         scrolltopspy = jasmine.createspyobj('$-spy', ['scrolltop']);          spyon(window, '$').and.callfake(function(selector){             if(selector == '.test') {                 return scrolltopspy;             }             else {                 return $(selector);             }         });     });      it('is called', function(){         $('.test').scrolltop();         expect($('.test').scrolltop).tohavebeencalled();     });      it('is not called', function(){         expect($('.test').scrolltop).not.tohavebeencalled();     }) }) 

please not call of scrolltop on .test performed, test ignorant of real .test element existence in dom.



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