php - (Solved) Encrypt in MySQL, Decrypt in C# -

can me. got data encrypted in mysql, store blob, need decrypt in c#, dont result wanted

blob in mysql

this got

it should pd001ky6900430

here's code in c#

string connectionstring = "data source=win-3doecchgfbt;initial catalog=dwh;user id=sa;password=password123;";         using (sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(connectionstring))         {             string query = "select * tb_investor";             sqldataadapter adapter = new sqldataadapter();             var command = new sqlcommand(query, connection);             adapter.selectcommand = command;              datatable dtable = new datatable();              adapter.fill(dtable);             for(var x =0; x < dtable.rows.count; x++)             {                 var dr = dtable.rows;                  byte[] accnobyte = (byte[])dr[x].itemarray[1];                  byte[] key = mkey("satu");                  var rkey = bitconverter.tostring(key).replace("-", "");                  var decaccno = decrypt_function(accnobyte, key);              }         } 

here mkey method :

encoding winlatincodepage = encoding.getencoding(1252);         byte[] key = encoding.utf8.getbytes(skey);         byte[] k = new byte[16] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };         (int = 0; < key.length; i++)         {             k[i % 16] = (byte)(k[i % 16] ^ key[i]);         }          return k; 

here decrypt_function method :

rijndaelmanaged crypto = null;         memorystream memstream = null;         icryptotransform decryptor = null;         cryptostream crypto_stream = null;         streamreader stream_read = null;         string plain_text;          try         {             crypto = new rijndaelmanaged();             crypto.key = key;             crypto.mode = ciphermode.ecb;             crypto.padding = paddingmode.none;              memstream = new memorystream(cipher_text);             crypto.generateiv();             //create decryptor make sure if decrypting here , did not copy paste encryptor.             decryptor = crypto.createdecryptor(crypto.key, crypto.iv);              //this different encryption @ mode make sure reading stream.             crypto_stream = new cryptostream(memstream, decryptor,;              //i used stream reader here because readtoend method easy , because return string, easy.             stream_read = new streamreader(crypto_stream);             plain_text = stream_read.readtoend();         }                 {             if (crypto != null)                 crypto.clear();              memstream.flush();             memstream.close();          }         return plain_text; 

please, show me mistake did make....

thx before....

"pd001ky6900430" 14 bytes, aes(rijndaelmanaged default) block size 16-bytes input data needs padded block size multiple, last 2 0x02 bytes of pkcs#7 padding. 2 last bytes of: "pd001ky6900430\u0002\u0002" (where \u0002 represents single byte of 0x02 in utf-16) padding.

this handled (removed) specifying pkcs#7 padding decryption method.

the fix:

crypto.padding = paddingmode.none;
crypto.padding = paddingmode.pkcs7;

it best specify options.



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