Excel VBA getting captcha - bad version of image -
i'm getting captcha image webpage , inserting excel cell, manually proceding captcha writing inputbox in excel, excel pass captcha text opened ie window.
so every element of code works fine, i'm getting 1 version of captcha image on opened ie window , diffrent 1 inserted excel.
why ? looks diffrent instance of ie opened , diffrent instance of ie used inserting captcha image excel.
sub get_captcha() dim ie new internetexplorer ie.visible = true ie.navigate activecell doevents loop until (ie.readystate = 4 , not ie.busy) dim doc htmldocument set doc = ie.document dim myinput string captcha = doc.getelementbyid("maincontent_ctrlcaptcha").getattribute("src") activecell.offset(0, 2).value = captcha activesheet.pictures .insert (doc.getelementbyid("maincontent_ctrlcaptcha").getattribute("src")) end end sub
diffrent approach screen capturing
sub get_captcha() application.displayalerts = false: application.screenupdating = false: application.enableevents = false on error goto cleanup dim clipboard msforms.dataobject set clipboard = new msforms.dataobject clipboard.clear dim ie new internetexplorer ie.visible = true ie.navigate activecell.value doevents loop until ie.readystate = readystate_complete dim doc htmldocument set doc = ie.document dim myinput string captcha = doc.getelementbyid("maincontent_ctrlcaptcha").getattribute("src") activecell.offset(0, 2).value = captcha sleep (500) application.sendkeys "(%{1068})" sleep (500) ie.quit dim shp shape activesheet.paste destination:=activesheet.range(activecell.offset(0, 0), activecell.offset(-12, -8)), link:=false activesheet set shp = .shapes(.shapes.count) shp.pictureformat.cropright = 500 shp.pictureformat.cropbottom = 330 shp.pictureformat.croptop = 150 shp.pictureformat.cropleft = 278 end activecell.offset(1).select cleanup: application.displayalerts = true: application.screenupdating = true: application.enableevents = true end sub
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