php - Wordpress custom supports for custom post types -

i'm using register_post_type generate new post type 'gcg_block' , generate ui menu in admin page. using add_post_type_support 'author' gives me column author in page (although not sortable). want add column 'shortcode' list , fill custom data. believe want create new support , register post type i'm unable find could. on right track or should looking @ taxonomies this?

what i'm trying make similar contact form 7 list displays shortcode can copied areas in wordpress.

add_action( 'init', 'gcg_init' ); //  function gcg_init() {    //register custom post type , create menu   register_post_type( 'gcg_block', array(     'labels' => array(         'name' => 'generic content',         'singular_name' => 'block' ),     'public' => false,     'show_ui' => true,     'show_in_menu' => true,     //'supports' => array(      //  'title',     //  'author',     //  'editor',)   ));    add_post_type_support( 'gcg_block', 'author' ); } 

so on wrong track. i'm using this blog post adding new columns custom post type , this example metabox generator edit metadata. did not need create custom support. help!



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