ios - XMPP background connection in iPhone -

i using silent push notification in xmpp chat application. using want connect xmpp server when app not running or not in background mode. receiving silent push notification , enable following flag of xmppstream background connection.

xmppstream.enablebackgroundingonsocket = yes; 

but socketdidconnect method not being still called when app not running , can't able connect xmpp server.

the purpose of send message received status xmpp server. guide me this.

i don't want use voip this. please provide me alternate solution this.

follow below steps. possible using voip , pushkit framework.

  1. enable voip service certificate app. check below image.

enter image description here

  1. enable voice on ip app. check below image.

enter image description here

  1. now add pushkit.framework

  2. in appdelegate.h file import pushkit framework , add delegate pkpushregistrydelegate

  3. appdelegate.m file following.

    a) in didfinishlaunchingwithoptions method add below code.

    pkpushregistry *voipregistry = [[pkpushregistry alloc] initwithqueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()]; voipregistry.delegate = self; voipregistry.desiredpushtypes = [nsset setwithobject:pkpushtypevoip]; 

    b) add delegate methods of pkpushregistrydelegate

    - (void)pushregistry:(pkpushregistry *)registry didinvalidatepushtokenfortype:(nsstring *)type { nslog(@"voip - did invalidate push token type - %@", type); }  - (void)pushregistry:(pkpushregistry *)registry didreceiveincomingpushwithpayload:(pkpushpayload *)payload fortype:(nsstring *)type { nslog(@"voip - got push payload: %@ , type: %@", payload.dictionarypayload, type);  nsdictionary *dictaps = [payload.dictionarypayload valueforkey:@"aps"]; if ([dictaps valueforkey:@"content-available"] != nil) { nslog(@"silent voip");  //fetch payload info , create local notification , fire local notification. uilocalnotification *voipnotification = [[uilocalnotification alloc] init]; voipnotification.alerttitle = @"silent voip"; voipnotification.alertbody = [dictaps valueforkey:@"alert"]; voipnotification.soundname = uilocalnotificationdefaultsoundname; [[uiapplication sharedapplication] presentlocalnotificationnow:voipnotification];  //call xmpp connection method here. if (xmppstream == nil) { [self setupstream]; } if ([xmppstream isdisconnected]) { [self connect]; } } }  - (void)pushregistry:(pkpushregistry *)registry didupdatepushcredentials:(pkpushcredentials *)credentials fortype:(nsstring *)type { nslog(@"voip - device token: %@", credentials.token);  nsstring *newtoken = credentials.token.description; newtoken = [newtoken stringbytrimmingcharactersinset:[nscharacterset charactersetwithcharactersinstring:@"<>"]]; newtoken = [newtoken stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@" " withstring:@""];  nslog(@"voip token is: %@", newtoken); [obj_datamodel setvoiptoken:newtoken]; //store token in somewhere further use. } 
  4. i passing following payload purpose server.


i hope helpful you. if have query ask me.



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