docker for windows - How to read Powershell variable inside Dockerfile? -

i'm building docker windows image. try pass variable powershell command, not work.


# escape=` microsoft/windowsservercore  shell ["powershell", "-command", "$erroractionpreference = 'stop'; $progresspreference = 'silentlycontinue';"]  run $somevar="2.60.3" ; echo $somevar 

docker build

sending build context docker daemon  2.048kb step 1/3 : microsoft/windowsservercore  ---> 2c42a1b4dea8 step 2/3 : shell powershell -command $erroractionpreference = 'stop'; $progresspreference = 'silentlycontinue';  ---> using cache  ---> ebd40122e316 step 3/3 : run $somevar="2.60.3" ; echo $somevar  ---> running in dd28b74bdbda  ---> 94e17242f6da removing intermediate container dd28b74bdbda built 94e17242f6da tagged secrets:latest 

exprected result

i can workaround using env variable and, possibly, multistage build avoid keeping variable:

# escape=` microsoft/windowsservercore  shell ["powershell", "-command", "$erroractionpreference = 'stop'; $progresspreference = 'silentlycontinue';"]  env somevar="2.60.3"  run echo $env:somevar  sending build context docker daemon  2.048kb step 1/4 : microsoft/windowsservercore  ---> 2c42a1b4dea8 step 2/4 : shell powershell -command $erroractionpreference = 'stop'; $progresspreference = 'silentlycontinue';  ---> using cache  ---> ebd40122e316 step 3/4 : env somevar "2.60.3"  ---> running in 8ac10815ff6d  ---> 9073ec3256e0 removing intermediate container 8ac10815ff6d step 4/4 : run echo $env:somevar  ---> running in 43a41df36f92 2.60.3  ---> 09e48901bea9 removing intermediate container 43a41df36f92 built 09e48901bea9 tagged secrets:latest 

double-quotes need escaped them work expected, somevar=\"2.60.3\".



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