matlab - Making a struct from a string containing matrices and its names -

i have text file containing uint8 data this:

[0, 18, 121] bl [0, 19, 12] gt [24, 19, 22] apa [0, 18, 1] bl [24, 19, 22] apa bpa [1, 2, 3] apa 

what want struct, a, fields containing data as: [0, 18, 121;        0, 18, 1  ]; = [0, 19, 12]; a.apa = [24,19,22]; a.apa_bpa = [24,19, 22]    or a.apabpa= [24, 19, 22] 

so above example shows find multiple instances of matrix , stack them one. if there space in name, remove space or replace underscore.

until now, have:

a = importdata('file.txt'); 

which creates cell array (20,000 x 1 original data) containing data. know names of matrices text file have. tried differentiate matrices following gives me cell containing matrices , name:

a(~cellfun(@isempty, strfind(a,'bl'))) 

how proceed? or simpler solution problem more speed?

i use textscan instead of importdata in case, since you're dealing mixed data types:

fid = fopen('file.txt'); data = textscan(fid, '[%d%d%d%s', 'delimiter', ',]', 'collectoutput', true); fclose(fid); values = data{1}; fields = data{2}; 

which gives following results in values , fields:

values =   6×3 int32 matrix       0    18   121      0    19    12     24    19    22      0    18     1     24    19    22      1     2     3  fields =   6×1 cell array      'bl'     'gt'     'apa'     'bl'     'apa bpa'     'apa' 

now can replace spaces in fields underscores using strrep, find unique strings unique, number of repeats of each string accumarray, sort rows of values match list of unique field names, , group rows of values using mat2cell:

[fields, ~, index] = unique(strrep(fields, ' ', '_')); counts = accumarray(index, 1); [~, sortindex] = sort(index); values = mat2cell(values(sortindex, :), counts); 

now can put structure using cell2struct:

s = cell2struct(values, fields)  s =    struct fields:          apa: [2×3 int32]     apa_bpa: [24 19 22]          bl: [2×3 int32]          gt: [0 19 12] 



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