ios - DropDownlist showing in every textfield of cell swift -

i made custom uitextfield shows 'dropdownmenu'. happening if write in textfield, every textfield of cell starts showing dropdown. , there 1 other issue. have textfield in stackview. , stackview in cardview (used shadow). , cardview in cell. how can add suggestiontable inside cell instead of using super.super.super.super.addsuview(suggestiontable) add in cell

open class suggestiontextfield: uitextfield, uitextfielddelegate {  var identifier = "suggestioncell" var suggestiontable:uitableview! var suggestionlist = ["first","second","third","four","fifth","sixth","seven","eight","nine","ten"] var filtersuggestionlist = [string]() var heightconstraint:nslayoutconstraint! var defaultshow = true {     didset {         self.suggestiontable.reloaddata()     } }  convenience init() {     self.init(         frame:     self.delegate = self     notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(filtersuggestions), name:, object: nil)     notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardwillshow(_:)), name:, object: nil)     notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardwillhide(_:)), name:, object: nil) }  override init(frame: cgrect) {     super.init(frame: frame) }  required public init?(coder adecoder: nscoder) {     super.init(coder: adecoder)     self.delegate = self     notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(filtersuggestions), name:, object: nil)     notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardwillshow(_:)), name:, object: nil)     notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardwillhide(_:)), name:, object: nil) }  deinit {     notificationcenter.default.removeobserver(self) }  func keyboardwillshow(_ notification: notification) {      let keyboardframe = ((notification nsnotification).userinfo![uikeyboardframeenduserinfokey] as! nsvalue).cgrectvalue     guard let frame = self.superview?.convert(self.frame, to: uiapplication.shared.keywindow) else { return }     //guard let frame = self.superview?.convert(self.frame, to: nil) else { return }     let gap = (uiscreen.main.bounds.size.height - frame.origin.y - frame.height - keyboardframe.height)     guard suggestiontable != nil else {         return     }     heightconstraint.constant = gap }  func keyboardwillhide(_ notification: notification) { }  func filtersuggestions(){     self.setup()     if (self.text?.isempty)! {         self.defaultshow = true         return     }      filtersuggestionlist = suggestionlist.filter({ (suggestion) -> bool in         return suggestion.contains(self.text!)     })     self.defaultshow = false }  func setup(){      guard suggestiontable == nil else {         return     }     suggestiontable = uitableview()     suggestiontable.allowsselection = true     suggestiontable.datasource = self     suggestiontable.delegate = self     suggestiontable.estimatedrowheight = 40     suggestiontable.rowheight = uitableviewautomaticdimension    // suggestiontable.layer.maskstobounds = false    // suggestiontable.clipstobounds = false     suggestiontable.contentinset =     suggestiontable.separatorstyle  = .none     suggestiontable.layer.cornerradius = 3     suggestiontable.layer.shadowcolor =     suggestiontable.layer.shadowoffset = cgsize(width: 2, height: 3)     suggestiontable.layer.shadowopacity = 0.5     suggestiontable.showsverticalscrollindicator = true     suggestiontable.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false     suggestiontable.register(suggestioncell.self, forcellreuseidentifier: identifier)     superview?.superview?.superview?.superview?.addsubview(suggestiontable)     superview?.superview?.superview?.superview?.bringsubview(tofront: suggestiontable)     setupconstrain() }  func setupconstrain(){      let leftconstraint = nslayoutconstraint(item: suggestiontable, attribute: .left, relatedby: .equal, toitem: self, attribute: .left, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)     let rightconstraint =  nslayoutconstraint(item:         suggestiontable, attribute: .right, relatedby: .equal, toitem: self, attribute: .right, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)     let topconstraint = nslayoutconstraint(item: suggestiontable, attribute: .top, relatedby: .equal, toitem: self, attribute: .bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 2)     heightconstraint = nslayoutconstraint(item: suggestiontable, attribute: .height, relatedby: .equal, toitem: nil, attribute: .notanattribute, multiplier: 1, constant: 200)     nslayoutconstraint.activate([leftconstraint, rightconstraint, topconstraint, heightconstraint]) }  func removesuggestionview(){      guard suggestiontable != nil else {         return     }     suggestiontable.removefromsuperview()     suggestiontable = nil  }  public func textfielddidbeginediting(_ textfield: uitextfield) {     self.setup() }  public func textfielddidendediting(_ textfield: uitextfield) {     removesuggestionview() }  public func textfieldshouldreturn(_ textfield: uitextfield) -> bool {     _  = self.resignfirstresponder()     return true }  }  extension suggestiontextfield : uitableviewdelegate ,uitableviewdatasource {  public func numberofsections(in tableview: uitableview) -> int {     return 1 }  public func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {     return defaultshow ? suggestionlist.count : filtersuggestionlist.count }  public func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell {     let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: identifier, for: indexpath) as! suggestioncell     cell.textlabel?.text = defaultshow ? suggestionlist[indexpath.row] : filtersuggestionlist[indexpath.row]     cell.textlabel?.textcolor =     cell.textlabel?.textalignment = .center     cell.textlabel?.adjustsfontsizetofitwidth = true     return cell }  public func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, didselectrowat indexpath: indexpath) {     self.text = defaultshow ? suggestionlist[indexpath.row] : filtersuggestionlist[indexpath.row]     if !self.defaultshow {         self.defaultshow = !self.defaultshow     }     tableview.deselectrow(at: indexpath, animated: true) } } 

this happended if write on textfield


i think, set resignfirstresponder() in textfield or set becomefirstresponder() control easy @ textfield other.



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