ios - Firebase Messaging shouldEstablishDirectChannel not establishing connection on first app launch -
when launching app first time, or after deleting , re-installing, messaging.messaging().shouldestablishdirectchannel
not establish socket connection. if shut down app, , re-open it, socket connection established.
1) place code in appdelegate: firebaseapp.configure() messaging.messaging().delegate = self messaging.messaging().shouldestablishdirectchannel = true
2) place code anywhere after check if connection established: messaging.messaging().isdirectchannelestablished
returns false.
3) listen connection state change , observe notification never gets fired. notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(fcmconnectionstatechange), name:, object: nil)
that problem in nutshell. if kill app, , re-launch it, works expected. socket connection made , messagingconnectionstatechanged
notification fired.
why messaging.messaging().shouldestablishdirectchannel
not connecting on initial app launch?
func application(_ application: uiapplication, didfinishlaunchingwithoptions launchoptions: [uiapplicationlaunchoptionskey: any]?) -> bool { window = uiwindow(frame: uiscreen.main.bounds) window!.rootviewcontroller = rootviewcontroller.shared window!.makekeyandvisible() setupfirebase() setuppushnotificationsforapplication(application) rootviewcontroller.shared.gotologinvc() return true } // mark: - firebase func setupfirebase() { notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(fcmconnectionstatechange), name:, object: nil) firebaseapp.configure() messaging.messaging().delegate = self messaging.messaging().shouldestablishdirectchannel = true } // mark: - firebase notifications func fcmconnectionstatechange() { // never called on app's first launch!!! print(messaging.messaging().isdirectchannelestablished) }
- xcode version: 8.3.3
- firebase 4.1.0
- firebaseanalytics 4.0.3
- firebasecore 4.0.5
- firebaseinstanceid 2.0.1
- firebasemessaging 2.0.1
- firebase product: messaging
fcm connection may have failed when attempted before having token.
i modified code, try this.
func setupfirebase() { notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(self.tokenrefreshnotification), name:, object: nil) notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector: #selector(self.fcmconnectionstatechange), name:, object: nil) firebaseapp.configure() messaging.messaging().delegate = self } func tokenrefreshnotification(_ notification: notification) { if let refreshedtoken = instanceid.instanceid().token() { print("instanceid token: \(refreshedtoken)") } // connect fcm since connection may have failed when attempted before having token. connecttofcm() } func connecttofcm() { // won't connect since there no token guard instanceid.instanceid().token() != nil else { return; } messaging.messaging().shouldestablishdirectchannel = true } func fcmconnectionstatechange() { if messaging.messaging().isdirectchannelestablished { print("connected fcm.") } else { print("disconnected fcm.") } }
update: add before using notificationcenter.
if #available(ios 10, *) { print("ios 10 up") let center = unusernotificationcenter.current() center.requestauthorization(options: [.alert, .badge, .sound]) { (granted, error) in guard error == nil else { print("regist fail = \(string(describing: error))") return } if granted { print("allow regist") } else { //handle user denying permissions.. print("deny regist") } } } else { print("ios 9 down") let pushnotificationsettings = uiusernotificationsettings(types: [.alert, .badge, .sound], categories: nil) application.registerusernotificationsettings( pushnotificationsettings ) } application.registerforremotenotifications()
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