Passing Docker container's run parameters in Kubernetes -

i have 2 containers (gitlab , postgresql) running on rancheros v1.0.3. make them part of kubernetes cluster.

[rancher@rancher-agent-1 ~]$ cat docker run --name gitlab-postgresql -d \     --env 'postgres_db=gitlabhq_production' \     --env 'postgres_user=gitlab' --env 'postgres_password=password' \     --volume /srv/docker/gitlab/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql \     postgres:9.6-2   [rancher@rancher-agent-1 ~]$ cat docker run --name gitlab -d \     --link gitlab-postgresql:postgresql \     --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 \     --env 'gitlab_port=80' --env 'gitlab_ssh_port=10022' \     --env 'gitlab_secrets_db_key_base=64-char-key-a' \     --env 'gitlab_secrets_secret_key_base=64-char-key-b' \     --env 'gitlab_secrets_otp_key_base=64-char-key-c' \     --volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \     sameersbn/gitlab:9.4.5 

1) have idea how use yaml files provision pods, replication controller etc. not sure how pass above docker run parameters kubernetes can apply same image(s) correctly.

2) i'm not sure whether --link argument (used in above) need passed in kubernetes. although deploying both containers on single host creating cluster of each (postgresql , gitlab) later, wanted confirm whether inter-host communication automatically taken care of kubernetes. if not, options can explored?

you should first try represent run statements docker-compose.yml file. quite easy , turn below

version: '3'  services:   postgresql:     image: postgres:9.6-2     environment:       - "postgres_db=gitlabhq_production"       - "postgres_user=gitlab"       - "postgres_password=password"     volumes:       - /srv/docker/gitlab/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql   gitlab:     image: sameersbn/gitlab:9.4.5     ports:       - "443:443"       - "80:80"     environment:       - "gitlab_port=80"       - "gitlab_ssh_port=10022"       - "gitlab_secrets_db_key_base=64-char-key-a"       - "gitlab_secrets_secret_key_base=64-char-key-b"       - "gitlab_secrets_otp_key_base=64-char-key-c"     volumes:       - /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data 

now there amazing tool name kompose conversion part you. if convert above related files

$ kompose convert -f docker-compose.yml warn volume mount on host "/srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab" isn't supported - ignoring path on host warn volume mount on host "/srv/docker/gitlab/postgresql" isn't supported - ignoring path on host info kubernetes file "gitlab-service.yaml" created info kubernetes file "postgresql-service.yaml" created info kubernetes file "gitlab-deployment.yaml" created info kubernetes file "gitlab-claim0-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml" created info kubernetes file "postgresql-deployment.yaml" created info kubernetes file "postgresql-claim0-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml" created 

now have fix volume mount part per kubernetes. completes 80% of work , need figure out rest 20%

here cat of generate files, can see kind of files generated

==> gitlab-claim0-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml <== apiversion: v1 kind: persistentvolumeclaim metadata:   creationtimestamp: null   labels:     io.kompose.service: gitlab-claim0   name: gitlab-claim0 spec:   accessmodes:   - readwriteonce   resources:     requests:       storage: 100mi status: {}  ==> gitlab-deployment.yaml <== apiversion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: deployment metadata:   creationtimestamp: null   labels:     io.kompose.service: gitlab   name: gitlab spec:   replicas: 1   strategy:     type: recreate   template:     metadata:       creationtimestamp: null       labels:         io.kompose.service: gitlab     spec:       containers:       - env:         - name: gitlab_port           value: "80"         - name: gitlab_secrets_db_key_base           value: 64-char-key-a         - name: gitlab_secrets_otp_key_base           value: 64-char-key-c         - name: gitlab_secrets_secret_key_base           value: 64-char-key-b         - name: gitlab_ssh_port           value: "10022"         image: sameersbn/gitlab:9.4.5         name: gitlab         ports:         - containerport: 443         - containerport: 80         resources: {}         volumemounts:         - mountpath: /home/git/data           name: gitlab-claim0       restartpolicy:       volumes:       - name: gitlab-claim0         persistentvolumeclaim:           claimname: gitlab-claim0 status: {}  ==> gitlab-service.yaml <== apiversion: v1 kind: service metadata:   creationtimestamp: null   labels:     io.kompose.service: gitlab   name: gitlab spec:   ports:   - name: "443"     port: 443     targetport: 443   - name: "80"     port: 80     targetport: 80   selector:     io.kompose.service: gitlab status:   loadbalancer: {}  ==> postgresql-claim0-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml <== apiversion: v1 kind: persistentvolumeclaim metadata:   creationtimestamp: null   labels:     io.kompose.service: postgresql-claim0   name: postgresql-claim0 spec:   accessmodes:   - readwriteonce   resources:     requests:       storage: 100mi status: {}  ==> postgresql-deployment.yaml <== apiversion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: deployment metadata:   creationtimestamp: null   labels:     io.kompose.service: postgresql   name: postgresql spec:   replicas: 1   strategy:     type: recreate   template:     metadata:       creationtimestamp: null       labels:         io.kompose.service: postgresql     spec:       containers:       - env:         - name: postgres_db           value: gitlabhq_production         - name: postgres_password           value: password         - name: postgres_user           value: gitlab         image: postgres:9.6-2         name: postgresql         resources: {}         volumemounts:         - mountpath: /var/lib/postgresql           name: postgresql-claim0       restartpolicy:       volumes:       - name: postgresql-claim0         persistentvolumeclaim:           claimname: postgresql-claim0 status: {}  ==> postgresql-service.yaml <== apiversion: v1 kind: service metadata:   creationtimestamp: null   labels:     io.kompose.service: postgresql   name: postgresql spec:   clusterip: none   ports:   - name: headless     port: 55555     targetport: 0   selector:     io.kompose.service: postgresql status:   loadbalancer: {} 



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