tomcat - apache mod_proxy url does not work unless / is appended -
i have apache 2.4 setup mod_proxy load balance 2 tomcats. here addition httpd.conf
proxyrequests off proxypass /app balancer://mycluster stickysession=jsessionid|jsessionid proxypassreverse /app balancer://mycluster <proxy balancer://mycluster> balancermember http://tomcat1:8080/app route=tomcat1 balancermember http://tomcat2:8080/app route=tomcat2 </proxy> <location /balancer-manager> sethandler balancer-manager require granted </location> proxypass /balancer-manager ! <location /server-status> sethandler server-status require host localhost require granted </location>
from browser if try "http://localhost:7000/app" not work. if use "http://localhost:7000/app/" application comes up.
note additional "/" , end of url. how can additional / avoided?
update working structure:
proxyrequests off proxypass /app balancer://mycluster/app stickysession=jsessionid|jsessionid proxypassreverse /app balancer://mycluster/app <proxy balancer://mycluster> balancermember http://tomcat1:8080 route=tomcat1 balancermember http://tomcat2:8080 route=tomcat2 </proxy> <location /balancer-manager> sethandler balancer-manager require granted </location> proxypass /balancer-manager ! <location /server-status> sethandler server-status require granted </location>
your balancer definitions wrong. in balancer definitions have define node, not uri handle.
**incorrect:** balancermember http://tomcat1:8080/app ***correct:*** balancermember http://tomcat1:8080
and handle uri-paths in proxypass
proxypass /app/ balancer://mycluster/app/
you can use:
proxypass /app balancer://mycluster/app
note: balancer://mycluster same balancer://mycluster/. , there rule should follow avoid issues says if source has trailing slash target should have trailing slash, way avoid path mismatches in response backend.
note2: <location /server-status>
has 2 require statements, since default require any, allowed because have require granted, makes no sense define require host localhost in context.
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