Azure GraphAPI getMemberGroups Bad Request error -

i attempting make azure graph api call getmembergroups, getting "400 bad request" error in response.

according documentation [], following request should : enter image description here

i using postman make request keep getting "request_badrequest" error code.

my post request is:

enter image description here red bar tenant id , blue bar object id of user.

my headers are:

enter image description here

my body is:

enter image description here

i keep getting error message:

{     "odata.error": {         "code": "request_badrequest",         "message": {             "lang": "en",             "value": "invalid json. value '------' not valid number."         }     } } 

i not sure why happening, have clues?

since posting json data, shouldn't use form-data. application/json type data, should use raw option send data.



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