swift3 - How to set the first day of current week to Tuesday in Swift? -

how set first day of current week tuesday in swift 3? schedule update every tuesday first day have start tuesday.

and display on label :

thisweekdate.text! = "\(first day of current week) - \(last day of current week)" 

full code.

let today = nsdate()     let nexttue = calendar.current.date(byadding: .day, value: 6, to: today date)     let formatter = dateformatter()     formatter.dateformat = "yyyy-mm-dd"     let todaystring = formatter.string(from: today date)     let nextstring = formatter.string(from: nexttue!)     formatter.dateformat = "dd-mmm-yyyy"      let calendar = nscalendar(calendaridentifier: nscalendar.identifier.gregorian)     let components = calendar!.components([.weekday], from: today date)      //label code     thisweekdate.text! = "\(first day of current week) - \(last day of current week)"      //if can change first day of current week weekly update code can deleted     if components.weekday == 3 {          print("hello tuesday")         thisweekdate.text! = "\(todaystring) - \(nextstring)"          userdefaults.standard.set(todaystring, forkey: "todaystringkey")         _ = userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: "todaystringkey") as? string         userdefaults.standard.set(nextstring, forkey: "nextstringkey")         _ = userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: "nextstringkey") as? string      } else {         print("it's not tuesday")         let retriveddate_1 = userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: "todaystringkey") as? string         let retriveddate_2 = userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: "nextstringkey") as? string          if let date_1 = retriveddate_1, let date_2 = retriveddate_2 {             thisweekdate.text! = "\(date_1) - \(date_2)"         }       } 

app design screenshot

app design screenshot

create custom gregorian calendar , set first weekday tuesday

var customcalendar = calendar(identifier: .gregorian) customcalendar.firstweekday = 3 

then can week interval

var startdate = date() var interval = timeinterval() customcalendar.dateinterval(of: .weekofmonth, start: &startdate, interval: &interval, for: date()) let enddate = startdate.addingtimeinterval(interval - 1) print(startdate, enddate) 



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