c++ - Linked List Exception Thrown -

i new linked lists , getting error when trying remove 1 of nodes of linked list.

exception thrown: exception thrown: read access violation. std::_string_alloc<std::_string_base_types<char,std::allocator<char> > >::_mysize(...) returned 0xddddddf1. occurred 


#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;  struct node {     string song, artist;     node* next; };  node* add(node *head) {     string song, artist;      cout << "enter song name:" << endl;     getline(cin, song);     cout << "enter artist name:" << endl;     getline(cin, artist);     node *new_ptr = new node;     new_ptr->song = song;     new_ptr->artist = artist;      if (head == nullptr)     {         head = new_ptr;         head->next = nullptr;     }     else     {         node *ptr = head;         while (ptr->next != nullptr)         {             ptr = ptr->next;         }         ptr->next = new_ptr;         ptr->next->next = nullptr;     }      cout << "song added." << endl;      return head; }  node* remove(node *head) {     if (head == nullptr)     {         cout << "there no songs." << endl;         return head;     }      string song_to_remove;     bool found = false;      cout << "enter song name remove:" << endl;     getline(cin, song_to_remove);      if (head->song.compare(song_to_remove) == 0)     {         found = true;         node *temp = head;         head = head->next;         delete temp;     }     else if(head->next != nullptr)     {         node *prev_ptr = head;         node *ptr = head->next;         while (ptr != nullptr)         {             if (ptr->song.compare(song_to_remove) == 0)             {                 found = true;                 node *temp = ptr;                 prev_ptr->next = ptr->next;                 delete temp;             }              ptr = ptr->next;             prev_ptr = prev_ptr->next;         }     }      if (!found)     {         cout << "song not found." << endl;     }     else     {         cout << "song removed." << endl;     }      return head; }  void print(node *head) {     node* ptr = head;     if (ptr == nullptr)     {         cout << "there no songs added yet." << endl;     }     else     {         while (ptr != nullptr)         {             cout << ptr->song << " " << ptr->artist << endl;             ptr = ptr->next;         }     } }  int main() {     node *head = nullptr;     int option;      while (1)     {         cout << "choose option: add song (1), remove song (2), or list songs (3)." << endl;         cin >> option;         cin.ignore();         if (!(option == 1 || option == 2 || option == 3))         {             cout << "must pick either 1, 2, or 3." << endl;             continue;         }          if (option == 1)         {             head = add(head);         }         else if (option == 2)         {             head = remove(head);         }         else if (option == 3)         {             print(head);         }     }      return 0; } 

i have working besides remove() function, , errors when have more 1 item in linked list , when try remove node besides first one.

i got it. didn't have break statement after deleting ptr , trying assign ptr. trying make work if had multiple songs same name delete of them, program doesn't need specific.

node* remove(node *head) {     if (head == nullptr)     {         cout << "there no songs." << endl;         return head;     }      string song_to_remove;     bool found = false;      cout << "enter song name remove:" << endl;     getline(cin, song_to_remove);      if (head->song == song_to_remove)     {         found = true;         node *temp = head;         head = head->next;         delete temp;     }     else if(head->next != nullptr)     {         node *prev_ptr = head;         node *ptr = head->next;         while (ptr != nullptr)         {             if (ptr->song == song_to_remove)             {                 found = true;                 prev_ptr->next = ptr->next;                 delete ptr;                 break;             }              ptr = ptr->next;             prev_ptr = prev_ptr->next;         }     }      if (!found)     {         cout << "song not found." << endl;     }     else     {         cout << "song removed." << endl;     }      return head; } 



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