javascript - Ember.JS change handlebars operators -
is possible change way handlebars mustache binding working within ember? case want use ember within static site builder using handlebars, when template being built {{ }} binding being interpreted handlebars instead of ember.
my template:
<!doctype html> <html xmlns="" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" dir="ltr" lang="en-us"> <head> {{> header }} <title>{{ title }}</title> <meta name="description" content="{{ description }}"> <!-- typekit javascript -->{{> typekit }} </head> <body class="stretched no-transition"> <!-- document wrapper ============================================= --> <div id="wrapper" class="clearfix"> <div id="header-trigger"><i class="icon-line-menu"></i><i class="icon-line-cross"></i></div> <!-- header ============================================= --> <header id="header" class="transperent-header full-header no-sticky"> <div id="header-wrap"> <div class="container-fluid clearfix"> <div id="primary-menu-trigger"><i class="icon-reorder"></i></div> <!-- logo ============================================= --> {{> logo }} <!-- #logo end --> <!-- primary navigation ============================================= --> {{> primary-menu}} <!-- #primary-menu end --> </div> </div> </header> {{#if section-name }} <!-- slider start --> {{> slider }} <!-- slider end --> {{/if}}{{#unless section-name}} <!-- no slider -->{{> title }} <!-- no slider end -->{{/unless}} <!-- content ============================================= --> <h2>welcome ember.js</h2> {{outlet}} <ul> {{#each model |item|}} <li>{{item}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> <section id="content">{{#if section-name }} <div class="content-wrap notoppadding nobottompadding"> {{#if citation }} <div class="container notopmargin bottommargin clearfix"> <p align="right"><small>— {{{citation}}}</small></p> </div>{{/if}} <!-- done: implemet metalsmith tags module --> {{#if citation-keywords}} <div class="container bottommargin clearfix"> <p><small>{{{citation-keywords}}}</small></p> </div> {{/if}} </div>{{/if}} <div class="content-wrap notoppadding nobottompadding"> <!-- no background image --> {{#unless background-image-url }}{{#if description}} <div class="container bottommargin clearfix"> <blockquote>{{{description}}}</blockquote> </div> {{/if}} {{/unless}}{{#if frontispiece-src}} {{> image-full }} {{/if}} {{#if contents}} <div class="container bottommargin clearfix"> {{{contents}}}</div>{{/if}} {{#if footerimage-src}} {{> image-full }} {{/if}} <!-- footnotes -->{{#if footnotes}} <!-- done: "back top" links in footnotes or switch custom module --> <div class="container bottommargin clearfix"> <h2 class="visually-hidden" id="footnote-label">footnotes</h2> <ol class="post-footnotes">{{{footnotes}}}</ol> </div> {{/if}} <!-- footnotes end --> </div> </section> {{> footer }} {{> sitenav }}</div> <!-- #wrapper end --> {{> scripts }} </body> </html>
my ember part have problem :
welcome ember.js
{{outlet}} <ul> {{#each model |item|}} <li>{{item}}</li> {{/each}} </ul>
unfortunatel h being rendered, nothing {{ }} handlebars trying interpret before ember has chance.
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