php - Prepared Statement - Mysql query result fetched into the array -

i implementing prepared statement fetching query result array seems wrong in fetch array line.

<?php $cat_id = intval($_get['cat_id']); include '../sys/conn.php';  if($category= $conn->prepare(" select t.term_id,, t.slug, tm.term_id,, count(tr.object_id) total_products mg_terms t join mg_term_taxonomy tx on tx.term_id = t.term_id left join mg_term_relationships tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id=tx.term_taxonomy_id left join mg_terms tm on tm.term_id = tx.parent t.term_id=? group t.term_id")) {      $category->bind_param('i', $cat_id);     $category->execute();     $category->bind_result($cat_id, $cat_name, $cat_slug, $par_id, $par_name, $count);     $category->fetch();     $array = $category->fetch_array(mysql_num); //line error     $category->close(); } 

the error have is:

fatal error: call undefined method mysqli_stmt::fetch_array() 

any idea?

you have learn php oop.. , whatever need in simple way.. please click following link.



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