javascript - Cant fetch Class id in braintree -

i not able fetch class id's expiration month , expiration year

$('#expiration-month').val() + "/" + $('#expiration-year').val(), in briantree html file,although these id defined in html result expiration date getting undefined. kindly help.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style>     body {         background-color: #fff;     }      .panel {         width: 80%;         margin: 2em auto;     }      .bootstrap-basic {         background: white;     }      .panel-body {         width: 90%;         margin: 2em auto;     }      .helper-text {         color: #8a6d3b;         font-size: 12px;         margin-top: 5px;         height: 12px;         display: block;     }      /* braintree hosted fields styling classes*/     .braintree-hosted-fields-focused {         border: 1px solid #0275d8;         box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, .6);     }      .braintree-hosted-fields-focused.focused-invalid {         border: 1px solid #ebcccc;         box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075), 0 0 8px rgba(100, 100, 0, .6);     }      @media (max-width: 670px) {         .form-group {             width: 100%;         }          .btn {             white-space: normal;         }     } </style>  <body> <!-- bootstrap inspired braintree hosted fields example --> <div class="panel panel-default bootstrap-basic">     <div class="panel-heading">         <h3 class="panel-title">enter card details</h3>     </div>     <form class="panel-body">         <div class="row">             <div class="form-group col-xs-8">                 <label class="control-label">card number</label>                 <!--  hosted fields div container -->                 <div class="form-control" id="card-number"></div>                 <span class="helper-text"></span>             </div>             <div class="form-group col-xs-4">                 <div class="row">                     <label class="control-label col-xs-12">expiration date</label>                     <div class="col-xs-6">                         <!--  hosted fields div container -->                         <div class="form-control" id="expiration-month"></div>                     </div>                     <div class="col-xs-6">                         <!--  hosted fields div container -->                         <div class="form-control" id="expiration-year"></div>                     </div>                 </div>             </div>         </div>         <div class="row">             <div class="form-group col-xs-6">                 <label class="control-label">security code</label>                 <!--  hosted fields div container -->                 <div class="form-control" id="cvv"></div>             </div>             <div class="form-group col-xs-6">                 <label class="control-label">zipcode</label>                 <!--  hosted fields div container -->                 <div class="form-control" id="postal-code"></div>             </div>         </div>           <button value="submit" id="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg center-block">pay <span id="card-type">card</span>         </button>     </form> </div>  <!-- load required client component. --> <script src=""></script>  <!-- load hosted fields component. --> <script src=""></script>  <script src=""> </script> <script src=""></script>   <script>     function getparameterbyname(name, url) {         if (!url) {             url = window.location.href;         }         name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");         var regex = new regexp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),                 results = regex.exec(url);         if (!results) return null;         if (!results[2]) return '';         return decodeuricomponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));     }      braintree.client.create({         authorization: '<%= key %>'     }, function (err, clientinstance) {         if (err) {             console.error(err);             return;         }          braintree.hostedfields.create({             client: clientinstance,             styles: {                 'input': {                     'font-size': '14px',                     'font-family': 'helvetica, tahoma, calibri, sans-serif',                     'color': '#3a3a3a'                 },                 ':focus': {                     'color': 'black'                 }             },             fields: {                 number: {                     selector: '#card-number',                     placeholder: '4111 1111 1111 1111'                 },                 cvv: {                     selector: '#cvv',                     placeholder: '123'                 },                 expirationmonth: {                     selector: '#expiration-month',                     placeholder: 'mm'                 },                 expirationyear: {                     selector: '#expiration-year',                     placeholder: 'yy'                 },                 postalcode: {                     selector: '#postal-code',                     placeholder: '90210'                 }             }         }, function (err, hostedfieldsinstance) {             if (err) {                 return;             }              hostedfieldsinstance.on('validitychange', function (event) {                 var field = event.fields[event.emittedby];                  if (field.isvalid) {                     if (event.emittedby === 'expirationmonth' || event.emittedby === 'expirationyear') {                         if (!event.fields.expirationmonth.isvalid || !event.fields.expirationyear.isvalid) {                             return;                         }                     } else if (event.emittedby === 'number') {                         $('#card-number').next('span').text('');                     }                      // apply styling valid field                     $(field.container).parents('.form-group').addclass('has-success');                 } else if (field.ispotentiallyvalid) {                     // remove styling  potentially valid fields                     $(field.container).parents('.form-group').removeclass('has-warning');                     $(field.container).parents('.form-group').removeclass('has-success');                     if (event.emittedby === 'number') {                         $('#card-number').next('span').text('');                     }                 } else {                     // add styling invalid fields                     $(field.container).parents('.form-group').addclass('has-warning');                     // add helper text invalid card number                     if (event.emittedby === 'number') {                         $('#card-number').next('span').text('looks card number has error.');                     }                 }             });              hostedfieldsinstance.on('cardtypechange', function (event) {                 // handle field's change, such change in validity or credit card type                 if ( === 1) {                     $('#card-type').text([0].nicetype);                 } else {                     $('#card-type').text('card');                 }             });              $('.panel-body').submit(function (event) {                 event.preventdefault();                 hostedfieldsinstance.tokenize(function (err, payload) {                     if (err) {                         return err;                     }                     $.ajax({                         url :  window.location.origin + "/add_merchant_card",                         type : "post",                         headers : {                             "content-type" : "application/json"                         },                         data : json.stringify({                             access_token : getparameterbyname('access_token'),                             app_device_type : getparameterbyname('app_device_type'),                             card_details : {                                 nonce : payload.nonce,                                 brand : payload.details.cardtype,                                 expiry_date : $('#expiration-month').val() + "/" + $('#expiration-year').val(),                                 last2_digits : payload.details.lasttwo,                                 funding : payload.type                             },                             payment_method : 4                         }),                         datatype:"json"                     }).success(function (response) {                         var body = response;                         console.log(body);                         if (!body.code) {                             window.location.replace(window.location.origin + "/success.html");                         }                         else {                             window.location.replace(window.location.origin + "/error.html");                         }                     }).error(function(err) {                         alert('kindly enter valid card details');                         window.location.replace(window.location.origin + "/error.html");                     });                     // submit payload.nonce server                     // alert('submit nonce server here!');                 });             });         });     }); </script>  </body> 



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