jasper reports - Subreport with return value gives exception "System is not facet valid with enumeration" -

i'm getting exception during compile in jaspersoft studio 6.4.0. how address this?

i've created report containing subreport want return value. that, have:

  1. created variable in subreport called, "logtotal", set value of variable, summation calculated in report. no reset type, no calculation function.
  2. created variable in main report same name , type. no reset type, no calculation function.
  3. in main report, created subreport return value link between 2 variables calculation type, "system."

on compile, i'm seeing following exception:

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.jrexception: org.xml.sax.saxparseexception; linenumber: 454; columnnumber: 91; cvc-enumeration-valid:  value 'system' not facet-valid respect enumeration '[nothing, count, distinctcount, sum, average, lowest, highest, standarddeviation, variance, first]'. must value enumeration. 

i can choose "system" choice if use other choices ("no calculation function," "first," "average," etc.), subreport returns null.

main report:

<variable name="logtotal" class="java.math.bigdecimal" resettype="none"/> ... <subreport>     <reportelement positiontype="float" x="0" y="60" width="572" height="40" uuid="d3ec84fb-528f-41f5-8b54-26112fd95b50"/>     <subreportparameter name="loadlist">         <subreportparameterexpression><![cdata[$p{loadlist}]]></subreportparameterexpression>     </subreportparameter>     <connectionexpression><![cdata[$p{report_connection}]]></connectionexpression>     <returnvalue subreportvariable="logtotal" tovariable="logtotal" calculation="system"/>     <subreportexpression><![cdata["scaling/reports/scalesummary_logs.jasper"]]></subreportexpression> </subreport> 


<variable name="price4" class="java.math.bigdecimal" calculation="sum">     <variableexpression><![cdata[$f{price}]]></variableexpression> </variable> <variable name="logtotal" class="java.math.bigdecimal" resettype="none">     <variableexpression><![cdata[$v{price4}]]></variableexpression> </variable> 

it seems exception result of mismatch between js studio permits , particular compiler (not sure whether jss uses compiler installed (6.4.1) or 1 installs) allows.

obviously, solution ensure compiler being used compatible.



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