amazon ec2 - DC/OS stateful app with persistent external storage -

i'm trying setup stateful app in dc/os assigning external (ebs) volume docker container. i've ran demo app provided in docs , created 100gb ebs volume in aws. there way specify size of volume in marathon.json file? can use same ebs volume multiple apps? here's demo app i've tested.

{   "id": "/test-docker",   "instances": 1,   "cpus": 0.1,   "mem": 32,   "cmd": "date >> /data/test-rexray-volume/test.txt; cat /data/test-rexray-volume/test.txt",   "container": {     "type": "docker",     "docker": {       "image": "alpine:3.1",       "network": "host",       "forcepullimage": true     },     "volumes": [       {         "containerpath": "/data/test-rexray-volume",         "external": {           "name": "my-test-vol",           "provider": "dvdi",           "options": { "dvdi/driver": "rexray" }         },         "mode": "rw"       }     ]   },   "upgradestrategy": {     "minimumhealthcapacity": 0,     "maximumovercapacity": 0   } } 

you cannot attach 1 ebs volume multiple ec2 instances. bad! ditched rexray persistent storage option in favor of efs.

i had create efs share , attach cluster's vpc. had ssh every slave node, mount nfs share under same folder on nodes , mount in container marathon.json.



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