javascript - Pass value of multiple input fields in jQuery ajax? -

i have multiple input fields, like

  <p>filter gender</p>   <select class="filter-users">      <option value="female">female</option>      <option value="male">male</option>    </select>    <p>filter city</p>       <input class="filter-users" type="text" name="city"> 

how create request url these 1 or of these inputs

$.ajax({   url: "/users/filter",   type: "get",    data: {      city: city,      gender: gender   },   success: function(response) {    } }); 

how make ajax request every time on of filter inputs changed? example send new request when on option change, or text input entered? trying explain is, there no submit button. requests needs made everytime 1 of these fields changes

you can use serializearray, this:

$.ajax({   url: "/users/filter",   type: "get",    data: $("form").serializearray(),   success: function(response) {   } }); 

or can use serialize in case don't need json url-encoded parameters.



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