ms access - VBA Recordset Update Hanging On Specfic Record -

so have below...

sub test4()  dim db dao.database dim source_rst dao.recordset dim dest_rst dao.recordset  set db = currentdb  set source_rst = db.openrecordset("select distinctrow [scorecard last ran].[scorecard id], round(([dqs - scorecard history].[no passed]/([dqs - scorecard history].[no passed]+[dqs - scorecard history].[no failed]))*100,1) & '%' score [dqs - scorecards] inner join ((select [dqs - scorecard history].[scorecard id], max([dqs - scorecard history].[date/time scorecard ran]) [maxofdate/time scorecard ran] [dqs - scorecard history] group [dqs - scorecard history].[scorecard id])  [scorecard last ran] inner join [dqs - scorecard history] on ([scorecard last ran].[maxofdate/time scorecard ran] = [dqs - scorecard history].[date/time scorecard ran]) , ([scorecard last ran].[scorecard id] = [dqs - scorecard history].[scorecard id])) on [dqs - scorecards].id = [dqs - scorecard history].[scorecard id];") set dest_rst = db.openrecordset("dqs - scorecards")  if (source_rst.bof , source_rst.eof) or (dest_rst.bof , dest_rst.eof) exit sub  while (not source_rst.eof)     dest_rst.movefirst     while (not dest_rst.eof)         if dest_rst![id] = source_rst![scorecard id] , dest_rst![id] <> 3             debug.print source_rst![scorecard id] & " - " & source_rst![score]             dest_rst.edit             dest_rst![score] = source_rst![score]             dest_rst.update             doevents         end if         dest_rst.movenext     wend     source_rst.movenext wend  end sub 

fairly straightforward right? except if remove dest_rst![id] <> 3 hangs, if leave hours. there nothing special record 3, , data going in same, percentage formatted string. works great if exclude record.

i know update query more efficient hangs too. missing?!

the dest_rst small sharepoint list.

turns out sharepoint list being arse. deleted list db, re-added it, well, sanity restored!



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