php - how to allow all wildcard string to the routing url in laravel -

i'm developing laravel when during implementation face problem in passing parameters routing url. have pass parameters ,one sessionid , other 1 userid. session id this,


so session id contains a-z,a-z,.,etc , wildcard strings (%3d%3d) congaing string

i've try lots of ways pass sessionid string function.but still no proper solution me.

this code segment , routes.php

$api->version('v1',function ($api){ $api->get('oneu/{id?}/{userid}',[     'as'=>'user',     'uses'=> 'app\http\controllers\usercontroller@show'])     ->where(['id' => '.[a-za-z1-9\-_\/?;!"`\'()`\|{}]+']);  }); 

this controller class code segment

  public function show($id,$userid)  {     //  $id='sessionid';     try{      $user=db::table('users')->where('sessionid',$id )                             ->where('userid', $userid )                             ->get();         if(!$user)         {             return response()->json(['null'],404);         }         return $user;      } catch (exception $exception)     {         return response('something bad',500);     } } 



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