
Showing posts from March, 2014

javascript - Recaptcha 2 how to check if user cancels puzzle -

how detect if user cancelling recaptcha puzzle: it possible click outside dialog box , close dialog. however, there doesn't seem callback action. necessary return user previous action. we initializing recaptcha 2 programmatically this: grecaptcha.render('grecaptchacontainer', { 'sitekey': our_site_key, 'callback': grecaptcha_responds, 'expired-callback': grecaptcha_expires, }); the callback function called, no problem. the expired-callback function never called. figured function called when user cancels/waits long. not case. could not find in docs or on web. takers? wiki

How to access Array on Position in android -

i have grid view imageview , textview , show albums every singer when press on name album open new activity listview show every songes singer specific need knowledge how ? create gridview wit imageview , textview don't know rest please code public class imageadapter extends baseadapter { private context mcontext; string [] namelistreads; int[] imageid ; int []linkses; string [] namesora; private static layoutinflater inflater = null; //constructor public imageadapter(context context,string[] namelistread, int [] nameimages, int links[], string namesora[]){ this.namelistreads = namelistread; this.mcontext = context; this.imageid = nameimages; this.linkses = links; this.namesora = namesora; inflater = (layoutinflater)mcontext.getsystemservice(mcontext.layout_inflater_service); } @override public int getcount() { return namelistreads.length; } ...

bash - How to read rows and columns via awk with special character separator -

can done more in single command? read line 10 , column 2 file separator ^ cat file | awk 'fnr==10 {print}' | awk -v fs=^ '{print $2}' if ^ main/common field separator records - it's enough apply following awk expression: awk -f'^' 'nr==10{ print $2; exit }' file wiki

javascript - How to check scroll to element from different page? -

i have scroll on 2 different pages in site when scroll in 1 of them both pages load own scroll data. don't want load scrolling of site @ once; want load page scroll only. page1.php <div id="page1"></div> page2.php <div id="page2"></div> load.js $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(window).scrolltop() + $(window).height() >= $(document).height()) { page1(); page2(); } }); function page1(load) { $("#page1").text("page1"); } function page2(load) { $("#page2").text("page2"); } wiki

Socialengine php Installation error -

i struggling socialengine php installation private server. have hosted want develop on own computer. have installed xampp, filezilla server , client , netbeans. i download , extract socialengine zipped folder folder within ht docs. upload onto filezilla server. right click on folder copy path. when paste google browser not seeing socialengine install wizard page enter licence key. instead seeing index page listing folders , other folders within ht docs directory. have looked @ many tutorials. deleted , re-installed. can please tell me doing wrong. here cases debug: check mod_rewrite enabled .htaccess available in directory. server directory index set index.php (directoryindex index.php) in .htaccess file. check permission fine on files , folders wiki

How to get email address from Azure AD B2C authentication? -

i trying azure ad b2c users email address don't see in token provides it, though signin/signup policy makes "claim" on users email address. how do email address? more generally, there documentation other samples explains how service intended work? under application claims, check email addresses . here's documentation selecting claims/setup . wiki

javascript - Can't log object details from parsed JSON? -

i have no problem logging following: <h1>order list</h1> <ul> <%orders.foreach(function(order){%> <li><%console.log(order.shippingaddress);%></li> <%});%> </ul> but when attempt log this: <h1>order list</h1> <ul> <%orders.foreach(function(order){%> <li><%console.log(;%></li> <%});%> </ul> i error: cannot read property 'name' of undefined i must overlooking simple because "name" exists... not setting correctly. ideas? here data looks each 'order': { amazonorderid: '99999', purchasedate: 'date', lastupdatedate: 'date', orderstatus: 'shipped', fulfillmentchannel: 'mfn', saleschannel: '', shipservicelevel: 'std d2d dom', shippingaddress: { name: 'name here', addressline1: 'ad...

python - Format multiple dataframe columns with the thousand separator -

i able put thousand separator 1 column slice. how multiple columns? this works: summary.iloc[:,6]=summary.iloc[:,6].map('{:,}'.format) but not: summary.iloc[:,6]=summary.iloc[:,6:].map('{:,}'.format) you're looking df.applymap : summary.iloc[:, 6:] = summary.iloc[:,6:].applymap('{:,}'.format) mvce: in [1384]: df = pd.dataframe({'col1' : np.random.choice(10000, 10), 'col2' : np.random.choice(10000, 10)}); df out[1384]: col1 col2 0 3362 4943 1 7296 1600 2 222 3276 3 8287 8913 4 816 2211 5 8550 9625 6 1020 1453 7 5635 4890 8 4218 3150 9 9601 4744 in [1388]: df.iloc[:, :].applymap('{:,}'.format) out[1388]: col1 col2 0 3,362 4,943 1 7,296 1,600 2 222 3,276 3 8,287 8,913 4 816 2,211 5 8,550 9,625 6 1,020 1,453 7 5,635 4,890 8 4,218 3,150 9 9,601 4,744 wiki

Visual studio Tools for Apache Cordova version issue -

i tried create blank project vs2017 and, of course, works. since in project have use version 7.0.1, first edit make edit row in config.xml file from <vs:toolsetversion>6.3.1</vs:toolsetversion> to <vs:toolsetversion>7.0.1</vs:toolsetversion> then, after edit, try again run in browser, 2 errors: error: can't find required module ''. blankcordovaapp5 node process unexpectedly exited while waiting property 'appurl'. i don't know why version change causes these erros. can try use 7.0.1 version? my whole config.xml is <?xml version="1.0"?> <widget xmlns:cdv="" xmlns:vs="" id="io.cordova.myapp7b0d5f" version="1.0.0" xmlns="" defaultlocale="it-it"> <name>blankcordovaapp5</name> <descript...

oracle11g - How to create a concatenated column if your are getting data from a single column? -

i have column called issue_status column, presents current status of issue raised related in risk management. need to create new column in both cognos and/or sql server present concatenated columns of previous statuses of issue. goes this. right now, don't have issue_status_concatenated. it goes this. issue i.d issue status 1234 draft 1234 open 1234 closed 5678 draft 5678 pending 5678 closed 5678 cancelled 3333 draft 3333 pending 3333 pending 3333 pending i thinking of using running count function (cognos function) issue i.d issue status running_count 1234 draft 1 1234 open 2 1234 closed 3 5678 draft 1 5678 pending 2 5678 closed 3 5678 ...

Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzau -

i error multiple dex files define lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzau; when run app gradle files are app.gradle dependencies { compile filetree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile 'com.squareup:otto:1.3.5' compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.3.4' compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.2.0' compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp-urlconnection:2.2.0' compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0' compile 'com.github.ksoichiro:android-observablescrollview:1.4.0' compile 'com.astuetz:pagerslidingtabstrip:1.0.1' compile 'com...

reactjs - NavLink in react-router-dom not clearing the previously loaded component data. -

my index.js file this. <provider store={createstorewithmiddleware(reducers)}> <browserrouter> <div> <header title={"ibp"}/> <div classname="container-fluid"> <route exact path="/" component={homepage} /> <route exact path="/observation/list" component={app} /> </div> <footer /> </div> </browserrouter> </provider> <header /> contain nav data. <footer /> contain footer data header contain link navigation this <li classname="dropdown"> <a href="#" classname="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">observation <span classname="caret"></span></a> <ul classname="dropdown-menu" role="menu"> <li><navlink to="/observation/list">ob...

jquery - Safari mouse move left position (x coordinate) not correct -

using custom cursor in butterfly builder app on this page , when applying colors via color palette section, however, safari not lining cursor mouse moving on .canvas-container have tried both of these in order line up, never works: var pbuckethtml = $('<div id="pbrush"><span class="color"></span></div>'); pbuckethtml.css('top', ((e.offsety + $(this).offset().top) - (pbuckethtml.height() / 2))); pbuckethtml.css('left', ((e.offsetx + $(this).offset().left) - (pbuckethtml.width() * 2))); and var pbuckethtml = $('<div id="pbrush"><span class="color"></span></div>'); pbuckethtml.css('top', e.pagey - (pbuckethtml.height() / 2)); pbuckethtml.css('left', e.pagex - (pbuckethtml.width() * 2)); less i'm using this: #pbrush { width: 24px; height: 34px; background: transparent url('../images/paintbrush.png') left bottom no-rep...

iOS - becomes blank -

earlier trying add network exception in ios. advised in info.plist. while doing that, found main entry 'information property list'. collapsed. did right click, , add new row. at point, whole key fields went black , ios settings set blank. now, when run app, comes , says 'installation failed' invalid argument big blue button ok. how can old plist back? step 1: open plist file "source code". see if original data there, / duplicate entry that's causing invalid. step 2: create new project, using same name , initial parameters existing project... copy resulting plist file new project old project. step 3: change curriculum of training include keeping copies / making backups / using source control (this maybe should step 1). wiki

java - How do getters and setters work? -

i'm php world. explain getters , setters , give examples? tutorial not required this. read on encapsulation private string myfield; //"private" means access restricted public string getmyfield() { //include validation, logic, logging or whatever here return this.myfield; } public void setmyfield(string value) { //include more logic this.myfield = value; } wiki

javascript - How to set limits on the number of lines read by stream nodejs -

i reading long csv text , streaming client. need able assure each stream passed on client has kind of line break mark associated it. problem when stream data, strips line breaks. there way can assure line breaks not stripped or replaced characters can recognize line breaks on client side 'while' streaming? also, there no guarantee each buffer in stream end @ line break point example if have below data 10,20,30 40,50,60 the next buffer may start 50 instead of 40. how know each buffer should concatenated or without line break? server side app.get('/test/api', (req, res) => { let stream = fs.createreadstream('./resources/onescsv.csv'); stream = byline.createstream(stream); stream.on('data', (data)=>{ // console.log(data.tostring()); res.write(data + '||||') }); // stream.pipe(res); stream.on('end', () => res.end()); }); client side let count = 0; $(document).ready(()=...

javascript - Displaying a lxf file in html -

i wondering can put lxf file in html? tried put in object tag this: <object data="objects/ldd_design_model.lxf"></object> but didn't work @ all. tried iframe tag this: <iframe src="objects/ldd_design_model.lxf"></iframe> but didn't work either. know can generate insturctions html want know if way can display object self in html. wiki

typescript - How to grab ID from multiple selected checkbox's on submit? Ionic 2+ / Angular 2+ -

i'm having trouble getting id of checked item on submit. i'm able retrieve selected id on change not on submit. note - data i'm getting not have checked value. there might way push selected value data structure unsure how so. html <form [formgroup]="itemform" (ngsubmit)="submit(itemform)"> <ion-list > <div> <ion-item> <ion-checkbox formcontrolname="selectall" (click)="checkall()" [(ngmodel)]="selectedall" ></ion-checkbox> </ion-item> <ion-item *ngfor="let item of items"> <ion-label> {{item.text}} </ion-label> <ion-checkbox [checked]="selectedall" formcontrolname="recvd" value="" (ionchange)="select(item)"></ion-checkbox> </ion-item> </div> <button ion-button full type="submit">...

uinavigationbar - Swift - Webview is overlay by navigation bar after implement Javascript -

i'm implementing javascript functions inside ios app using swift , it's worked. web view size overlay navigation bar. before implement javascript, web view size correct. how fix it? my reference function : @iboutlet var containerview: uiview! var availabilitywebview: wkwebview? override func loadview() { super.loadview() let contentcontroller = wkusercontentcontroller(); let userscript = wkuserscript( source: "redheader()", injectiontime: wkuserscriptinjectiontime.atdocumentend, formainframeonly: true ) contentcontroller.adduserscript(userscript) contentcontroller.add( self, name: "callbackhandler" ) let config = wkwebviewconfiguration() config.usercontentcontroller = contentcontroller //something wrong here self.availabilitywebview = wkwebview( frame: self.containervie...

python - Pandas to_excel bad converting of special characters although print(df) shows them fine -

i've got standard script queries postgresql database, puts query pandas dataframe, , using: writer = pd.excelwriter('somepath.xlsx', encoding='utf-8') df.to_excel(writer, 'sheet1') i getting following: openpyxl.utils.exceptions.illegalcharactererror when out dataframe csv, can see characters wrong: ksi。ッki should ksiĄŻki. but console output od print(df) shows characters fine: console output: 6 124842 5205298 sŁawomir leŚniewski csv output: 6 124842 5205298 s」awomir leヲniewski i've exported text such characters many times before, using same script. any ideas? wiki

ios - Swift 3/4 - Camera for iOS10 and older -

i'm trying implement camera in app. seems work on ios 11 not on previous version ... xcode tells me part (the function photooutput()) not ios 10 , older version. extension uploadviewcontroller: avcapturephotocapturedelegate { @available(ios 11.0, *) func photooutput(_ output: avcapturephotooutput, didfinishprocessingphoto photo: avcapturephoto, error: error?) { if let imagedata = photo.filedatarepresentation() { image = uiimage(data: imagedata) let photosecondvc = self.storyboard?.instantiateviewcontroller(withidentifier: "uploadsecondvc") as! uploadsecondviewcontroller photosecondvc.imagedata = image! self.navigationcontroller?.pushviewcontroller(photosecondvc, animated: false) self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } } and action taking picture: @ibaction func takephotoaction(_ sender: any) { let settings = avcapturephotosettings() photooutput?.capturep...

scala - Could not initialize class $line10.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$ -

i starting day weird problem. can't see wrong code. take lines below import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util._ import def f2 = future.failed(new exception("i nothing")) def f1 = future { println("working"); thread.sleep(5000); 1 } val list = list(f2, f1) val consolidated = future.sequence(list) consolidated.oncomplete { case success(_) => println("completed successfully") case failure(e) => println(s"failed ${e.getmessage}") } await.result(consolidated, duration.inf) and :paste in repl. see weird exception ~ > scala welcome scala 2.12.1 (java hotspot(tm) 64-bit server vm, java 1.8.0_121). type in expressions evaluation. or try :help. scala> :paste // entering paste mode (ctrl-d finish) import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util._ import ...

javascript - ReferenceError: "validate" is not defined. while trying to submit a form with HTMLUnit -

i want submit form this site htmlunit error in title. here code: try (final webclient webclient = new webclient(, "", 57703)) { //webclient.getoptions().setthrowexceptiononscripterror(false); final htmlpage page1 = webclient.getpage(""); final htmldivision div = (htmldivision) page1.getelementbyid("urlform"); final domnodelist<domelement> forms = page1.getelementsbytagname("form"); final htmlform form = (htmlform) forms.get(0); final htmltextinput textfield = form.getinputbyname("filepath"); final htmlsubmitinput button = form.getinputbyname("button"); textfield.setvalueattribute(url); final htmlpage page2 =; system.out.println(page2.getbaseurl()); } and here error get: ecmaerror: linenumber=[4] column=[0] linesource=[<no source>] name=[typeerror] sourcename=[

html - RewriteEngine + Javascript -

i enabled rewriteengine in order handle url in mvc app. the problem is, when try include javascript file (relatively) weird behavior after type additional "/". when use absolute file (which want avoid in html files) <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src='app/libs/jquery-3.2.1.js'></script> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <form id="login"> <input id="usr" type="text" value="username"><br> <input id="pw" type="password" value="password"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> .htaccess options -indexes rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewriterule ^(.+)$ index.php?url=$1 [qsa,l] as type "localhost/project/test/" get: syntaxerror: expected expression, got ...

java - Calling real method in Mockito, but intercepting the result -

simplifying bit, our system has 2 parts. "our" part, in turn uses lower level part implemented team (in same codebase). have complicated functional test setup, wrap entry points lower level in spy objects. in positive tests use real implementation of level, mock calls should fail predefined error. now trying add support more complicated scenarios, add artificial delay calls made underlying level (on fake clock obviously). define mock (1) call real implementation (2) resulting future object returned , combine custom function inject delay accordingly. ideally have like: doanswer(invocationonmock -> { result = call real method on myspy; return futures.combile(result, myfunction); }).when(myspy).mymethod(); how can achieve it? as me easiest way it's save link read object when initialize spy object: foo realfoo = new foo(); foo spyfoo = mockito.spy(realfoo); now can stub this: doanswer(invocation -> realfoo.getsome() + ...

arrays - iOS Swift : fatal error: Index out of range -

i'm trying remove object @ index i'm getting error. here code: var arr2 = [3,5,6] let arr3 = arr2 (index, element) in arr3.enumerated() { print("iii \(index)") arr2.remove(at: index) } logs : iii 0 iii 1 iii 2 fatal error: index out of range please let me know i'm doing wrong. your index value based on arr3 . remove items arr2 index doesn't represent proper location in arr2 . one solution iterate arr3 in reverse. for (index, element) in arr3.enumerated().reversed() { this keeps remaining indexes same iteration continues. wiki

android - webview is opening browser when I reload the page -

during webview in android. click button , should goes other url. problem opens browser when transfer. let have jsp page button click <a class="button button4" href="#" onclick="return amtscreensave.file_save(document.forms[0]);">save file</a> var amtscreensave = (function() { return { file_save : function(thisform) { console.log("file_save"); console.log(thisform); thisform.action = "/mobile/"; thisform.submit(); }, file_cancel : function(thisform) { console.log(thisform); thisform.action = "/mobile/"; thisform.submit(); } } })(); when activated webview goes browser how prevent action?? wiki

javascript - Hiding Carto Sql Api Key? -

currently loading carto table containing polyogns map on php file using catro.js , key visible in javascript. example given below call sql api. var layerstyle = $('#landuse-style').text(); cartodb.createlayer(, { user_name: 'sandyjones', type: 'cartodb', sublayers: [{ sql: "select * master " + query, cartocss: layerstyle, }], extra_params: { map_key: "myapikey" } } how hide api key on server using proxy php file or backend php file if can suggest code example can use. sometime tried stuck problem in url of images carto server contain map key. wiki

python - How to get my output to "You rolled 2, 3, 2, 4, (ETC)" -

the code have far for in range(6): roll1 =int(random.randint(1,6)) print ("you rolled",roll1) i need print out you rolled 3,4,5,6,2 but output looks like: you rolled 4 rolled 4 rolled 1 rolled 1 rolled 6 rolled 6 try this: from random import randint print( "you rolled " + ",".join(str(randint(1,6)) j in range(6)) ) wiki

c++ - CMake Qt build on windows linker problems -

i trying build , compile qt project repo. project contains cmake file, using build , compile using nmake. however, getting bunch of linker errors towards end of compile , don't have experience cmake not sure going wrong. using msvc 14.11.25503. cmakelist.txt here: cmake_minimum_required(version 3.6 fatal_error) project(loggergui cxx) set(target ${cmake_project_name}) set(cmake_automoc on) set(cmake_include_current_dir on) find_package(qt5widgets required) find_package(qt5printsupport required) find_package(qt5bluetooth required) add_subdirectory(include/cpptoml) add_subdirectory(include/qcustomplot) add_subdirectory(include/easylogging++) file(glob cpp_sources src/*.cpp) file(glob hdr_sources src/*.h) set(ui_sources src/mainwindow.ui) qt5_wrap_cpp(hdr_moc ${hdr_sources}) qt5_wrap_ui(ui_generated_headers ${ui_sources}) add_executable(${target} ${cpp_sources} ${hdr_moc} ${ui_generated_headers}) # generate proper gui program on specified platform if(win32) # check if ...

python - Subtract a year if the previous month was January -

after processing able create below dataframe. problem year incorrect. date in decreasing order each location. after 2015-01-15 should 2014-12-15 , not 2015-12-15 . +--------------------+---------------+-------+ | location | date | value | +--------------------+---------------+-------+ | india | 2015-03-15 | -200| | india | 2015-02-15 | 140 | | india | 2015-01-15 | 155 | | india | 2015-12-15 | 85 | | india | 2015-11-15 | 45 | | china | 2015-03-15 | 199 | | china | 2015-02-15 | 164 | | china | 2015-01-15 | 209 | | china | 2015-12-15 | 24 | | china | 2015-11-15 | 11 | | russia | 2015-03-15 | 48 | | russia | 2015-02-15 | 104 | | russia | 2015-01-15 | 106 | | russia | 2015-12-15 | -20 | | russia | 2015-11...

c# - Get Previously Instantiated Object from Heap for Variable Reference -

i have 2 classes contain class property other. public class client { public customer customer { get; set; } public client() { } } public class customer { public client client { get; set; } public customer(int id) { // retrieval logic using id ... } } here factory class shows concept trying achieve if knew objects prior compile time. in reality, not , have instantiate them via reflection user provided data. in mind, looking assign object's property opposite class created object other class (i.e. below) public class factory { public factory() { // done via reflection @ run-time in real code client client = new client(); client.customer = new customer(1); // id retrieve client property (not shown simplicity sake) client.customer.client = client; // refer first object of client } } however, utilizing provided factory class example, client object in code not in scope or rather higher on s...

sql server - Connect from Tableau Desktop to SQL Azure Data Warehouse using Active Directory Password Authentication -

i'm attempting use tableau desktop connect sql azure data warehouse. authentication method required active directory password. i can connect fine using dsn-based odbc connection in select option connect using active directory password authentication ( similar situation described here ), tableau features not enabled via connection method. when attempt connect,1433 via regular microsoft sql server connection in tableau desktop, error credentials incorrect using either windows authentication or other credentials. running tableau desktop different user doesn't fix situation either. specific error messages: [microsoft][odbc driver 13 sql server]sql server network interfaces: microsoft online services sign-in assistant encountered error might not occur if retried. possible reasons include transient network error. [x80048849]. [microsoft][odbc driver 13 sql server]cannot generate federated authentication context what can connect? th...

Simplifying Google Sheet JSON using Jolt -

i have gone through of test cases in jolt seem serve examples, cannot find looking for. background, source code stripped version of comes google sheet. rows , columns. source json: [ { "values": [ { "formattedvalue": "achme - thailand" }, { "formattedvalue": "5,368.11" }, { "formattedvalue": "17.09%" } ] }, { "values": [ { "formattedvalue": "achme-b2a" }, { "formattedvalue": "101.47" }, { "formattedvalue": "0.32%" } ] }, { "values": [ { "formattedvalue": "achme-b2e" }, { "formattedvalue": "83.79" }, { "formattedvalue": "0.27%" } ] } ] desired output: [ {...

Connect java backend with remote openssl-ca in Linux -

i want attach openssl ca java backend. backend should possible create certificates in openssl. openssl ca on linux computer. i had thought find java bindings openssl, abe not so. idea connect backend via rest interface ca , use openssl commands. procedure, however, not ellegant. therefore, question, have idea how solve problem? thanks times answers. wiki

windows - Signing installer of my program generated by Inno Setup to make it of a trusted company? -

i have installer file created inno setup of application developed. so when go install program, shows me window telling me application not trusted. how can sign installer file avoid window when user installs program, or make installer trusted installer? i have .pfx file generated openssl , ssl certificate. tried signing inno setup signing tool without success. line on signing window: "c:\program files\windows kits\8.1\bin\x86\signtool.exe" sign /f "c:\users\user\documents\programtoinstall\installers\key.pfx" /p "passwordofthepfxfile" /tr "" $f signing installer self-signed certificate won't have effect. you have sign installer code signing certificate issued trusted authority. wiki

javascript - React - Dynamic generation of forms - pages -

g'day. working on application has lot of big forms in requirements. 1 form has on 150 questions. figured neat way handle modern mobile design have multiple accordion sections inside form or present forms series of "wizard" pages can slid left , right. works when hard code jsx, rather repeat hard coding each , every form , form page decided try , build "form-page generator" takes json description this: //-------------------------- export const assetform = { "formname": "assetcreateedit", "format": "accordion", "pages": [{ "pageid": "1", "title": "asset summary - mandatories", "fields": [ ...