oracle11g - How to create a concatenated column if your are getting data from a single column? -

i have column called issue_status column, presents current status of issue raised related in risk management. need to create new column in both cognos and/or sql server present concatenated columns of previous statuses of issue. goes this.

right now, don't have issue_status_concatenated.

it goes this.

issue i.d   issue status     1234        draft            1234        open            1234        closed           5678        draft            5678        pending          5678        closed           5678        cancelled        3333        draft            3333        pending          3333        pending          3333        pending          

i thinking of using running count function (cognos function)

issue i.d   issue status         running_count  1234        draft                1 1234        open                 2 1234        closed               3 5678        draft                1 5678        pending              2 5678        closed               3 5678        cancelled            4 3333        draft                1 3333        pending              2 3333        pending              3 3333        pending              4 

then combine results inside single column using case function

new concat_column 1  case when running_count = 1 issue_status else ' ' end  new concat_column 2   case when running_count = 2 issue_status else ' ' end  new concat_column 3   case when running_count = 3 issue_status else ' ' end  new concat_column 4  case when running_count = 4 issue_status else ' ' end 

then plan create new data item or new column creating issue_status_concatenated combining new concat columns 1

new concat_column 1 + '|' + new concat_column  2 + '|' + new concat_column 3 + '|' + new concat_column 4 

i know long process know there easier , logical way this? there way make simpler?

issue i.d   issue status   issue_status_concatenated      1234        draft           draft | open | closed     1234        open            draft | open | closed     1234        closed          draft | open | closed     5678        draft           draft | open | closed |cancelled     5678        pending         draft | open | closed |cancelled     5678        closed          draft | open | closed |cancelled     5678        cancelled       draft | open | closed |cancelled     3333        draft           draft | pending     3333        pending         draft | pending     3333        pending         draft | pending     3333        pending         draft | pending 

below snippet desird output in oracle. hope helps.

select id,   stat,   listagg(stat,'|') within group( order stat) over(partition id) agg_stat   (with tmp   ( select 1234 id, 'draft' stat dual   union   select 1234 id, 'open' stat dual   union   select 1234 id, 'completed' stat dual   union   select 1100 id, 'draft' stat dual   union   select 1100 id, 'pending' stat dual   union   select 1100 id, 'completed' stat dual   union   select 1100 id, 'closed' stat dual   ) select tmp.*,row_number() over(partition id order 1 desc) rn tmp   ); 



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