c# - Display a readonly field in Asp.net Core -

i new in asp.net core , ask displaying field in w view. have

class person {      public string name {get; set;}      public string nickname {get; set;}  } 

typically, in edit person view,

<input asp-for="name" class="form-control" /> <input asp-for="nickname" class="form-control" /> 

to display fields.

but in edit person view need display name readonly, , nickname editable field.

the name should not in textbox(even readonly), rather in label or div...

is there standard approach display such fields?

i don't want field updated model or db, need reading field.

output html razor syntax


@model.name <input asp-for="nickname" class="form-control" /> 

note - need styling appropriately, or wrapping in <span> tag etc...



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