ElasticSearch - Nested Filtered Aggregations -

i'm looking way min , max value 2 level nested object have been filtered. below im trying min , max price has currencycode gbp. each product can have multiple skus , each sku can have multiple prices (though 1 gbp):

"hits": [       {         "_index": "product",         "_type": "main",         "_id": "1",         "_score": 1,         "_source": {                    "skus": [             {               "prices": [                 {                   "currencycode": "gbp",                   "price": 15                 }               ]             }           ]         }       },{         "_index": "product",         "_type": "main",         "_id": "2",         "_score": 1,         "_source": {                    "skus": [             {               "prices": [                 {                   "currencycode": "gbp",                   "price": 20                 }               ]             }           ]         }       },     {         "_index": "product",         "_type": "main",         "_id": "3",         "_score": 1,         "_source": {                    "skus": [             {               "prices": [                 {                   "currencycode": "gbp",                   "price": 25                 }               ]             }           ]         }       }]   } 

so want min 15, max 25. i've looked filter aggregation , nested aggregation can not come answer.

i'm using elasticsearch version 5.5.

i'm trying query working correctly first before converting nest .net.

any appreciated.

you can nest "nested" , "filter" aggregations, this:

{   "size": 0,   "aggs": {     "skus": {       "nested": {         "path": "skus"       },       "aggs": {         "prices": {           "nested": {             "path": "skus.prices"           },           "aggs": {             "gbp_filter": {               "filter": {                 "term": {                   "skus.prices.currencycode": "gbp"                 }               },               "aggs": {                 "min_price": {                   "min": {                     "field": "skus.prices.price"                   }                 },                 "max_price": {                   "max": {                     "field": "skus.prices.price"                   }                 }               }             }           }         }       }     }   } } 

however, since 1 price can gbp, true every sku, there can 1 price per currency? if that's case, suggest not use nested data type prices here. instead can use mapping this:

{   "product": {     "properties": {       "skus": {         "type": "nested",         "properties": {           "prices": {             "properties": {               "gbp": {"properties": {"price": {"type": "integer"}}},               "usd": {"properties": {"price": {"type": "integer"}}},               ...remaining currencies...             }           }         }       }     }   } } 

the mapping not concise, more efficient query, , queries nicer. (almost) anytime can denormalize data rid of nesting, if have duplicate information (in order meet needs of different types of queries), it's idea.



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