ethereum - GETH no genesis.json found. Need to change gasLimit value -

i searched , saw lot of issue this. getting "exceeds block gas limit" trying send ethereum geth wallet. no genesis.json found edit manually (i see gaslimit typing eth.getblock("latest") )

 [...] gaslimit: 5000,[...] 

also tried set gaslimit , gas in send method.

i'm on main net no custom token or custom genesis.json . want sent ethereum lol.

command use :

eth.sendtransaction({from:'0x8b2635e8ebae81c3d0d5e6935f0b387bfb508c42', to:'0x1b68c6d4a3b27aa43619750bf9d7578fd29ee6fe', value: web3.towei(0.0007, "ether")}); 

i'm calling send method json rpc.

any hints how set gaslimit , fix issue? it's impossible nobody able send eth!



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