linux - I cannot commit changes in docker image -

i learn docker .

and have problem in "step 6 - committing changes in container docker image".

when run command docker run -it ubuntu got interactive shell access container , in command line got example: root@aaa73f6c6614:/# , can using shell. when want commit changes after installing nodejs have exit interactive shell using command exit , write in command line: docker commit -m "node.js" -a "me" aaa73f6c6614 finid/ubuntu-nodejs got following error: error response daemon: no such container: aaa73f6c6614/ubuntu-nodejs.

why cannot commit changes , how can that?

(i use ubuntu 16.04)

just need use container id:

docker commit -m "node.js" -a "me" aaa73f6c6614 

then can tag container finid/ubuntu-nodejs:

docker tag aaa73f6c6614 finid/ubuntu-nodejs:latest 



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