php - select date in filemaker over odbc -

i try select on phpmyadmin date field on odbc update date field on filemaker. i´m getting error:
connection established.php warning: odbc_exec(): sql error: [filemaker][filemaker] fql0001/(1:15): expression contains incompatible data types.there error in syntax of query., sql state hy000

this code:

$conn = odbc_connect("dsn=server;database=mydatabase;uid=odbc;pwd=1234", "odbc", "1234"); if ($conn)     echo "\nconnection established."; else     die("\nconnection not established.");  $result = odbc_exec($conn, "select id_mh, mydate mytable myfield '8'");   

mydate date format , think "mydate" should converted string "strval".

but how?


+1 both @fortune , @michael.hor257k

there nothing wrong mydate field - selecting it.

the problem clause

if use need add pattern wildcard. see link @fortune provided.

if want match records myfield set 8 should use

where myfield ='8' 

but error getting because matching string 8 , not number 8 - happened when single quoted number. myfield has text field or need remove single quotes around 8



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