sql - Multiple roles to single user -

i want design schema sql database in user can have multiple roles admin,tester, developer , have accessibility module(test,develop,performance) per role. tried design 3 tables first of users in user have id , role id,second 1 of role ,and third of module have foreign key of user , role in assign permission role.

but fails when user have multiple roles

seems basic many-to-many relationship me - need 3 tables:
2 entity tables , 1 conjunction table.
in case there should user table, role table, , usertorole table.
module / role many many relationship - since many roles might connected single module, , many modules might connected single role.

a basic implementation might :

tbluser (     user_id int primary key,     -- other user related columns )  tblrole {     role_id int primary key,     -- other role related columns }  tblusertorole {     urt_user int foreign key tbluser,     urt_role int foreign key tblrole,     primary key (urt_user, urt_role) } 



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