node.js - how to run script in brackets extension package.json? -

i want run script in brackets extension manager when install extension.

found code in brackets default extension 'javascriptcodehints'.

{   "name": "brackets-javascript-code-hints",   "dependencies": {     "acorn": "3.3.0",     "tern": "0.20.0" },   "scripts": {     "postinstall": "node ./fix-acorn"   } } 

same using "postinstall": "node ./test", displayed error message.

npm-stderr: sh: node: command not found  npm warn testextensioninstaller@1.0.1 no description npm warn testextensioninstaller@1.0.1 no repository field. npm warn testextensioninstaller@1.0.1 no license field. npm err! darwin 16.7.0 npm err! argv "/applications/" "/applications/" "install" "--production" npm err! node v6.3.1 npm err! npm  v3.10.9 npm err! file sh npm err! code elifecycle npm err! errno enoent npm err! syscall spawn npm err! testextensioninstaller@1.0.1 postinstall: `node ./test` npm err! spawn enoent npm err!  npm err! failed @ testextensioninstaller@1.0.1 postinstall script 'node ./test'. npm err! make sure have latest version of node.js , npm installed. npm err! if do, problem testextensioninstaller package, npm err! not npm itself. npm err! tell author fails on system: npm err!     node ./test npm err! can information on how open issue project with: npm err!     npm bugs testextensioninstaller npm err! or if isn't available, can info via: npm err!     npm owner ls testextensioninstaller npm err! there additional logging output above.  npm err! please include following file support request: npm err!     /private/var/folders/1y/bd63w8h51wzccq_zbw6804440000gn/t/bracketspackage_117723-46419-zgk6x5.ki3sicc8fr/testextensioninstaller/npm-debug.log 

how using node without install nodejs in brackets extension install?

this has nothing brackets, need update filesystem path include node

you need add place installed nodejs (c:\program files\nodejs) path environment variable. follow these steps:

  1. use global search charm search "environment variables"
  2. click "edit system environment variables"
  3. click "environment variables" in dialog.
  4. in "system variables" box, search path , edit include c:\program files\nodejs. make sure separated other paths ;.

you have restart currently-opened command prompts before take effect.



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