typescript - Dynamic Component Click event Binding - Angular 2 -
there chance of possible duplicate scenario bit different.
i want perform click event dynamic component.
here structure :
<razor> <mvc-partial> <dynamic-html> // buttonpress(){console.log("function called in dynamichtml) // output() call function in razor.ts </dynamic-html> </mvc-partial> <razor>
renderingviewdynamic.ts file
import { component, directive, ngmodule, input, output, eventemitter, viewcontainerref, compiler, componentfactory, modulewithcomponentfactories, componentref, reflectiveinjector, oninit, ondestroy, viewchild } '@angular/core'; import { routermodule } '@angular/router'; import { commonmodule } '@angular/common'; import { http } "@angular/http"; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; export function createcomponentfactory(compiler: compiler, metadata: component): promise<componentfactory<any> | undefined>{ console.log(compiler) console.log(metadata) class dynamiccomponent { @output() buttontype: eventemitter<string> = new eventemitter<string>() // button click operation buttonpress() { this.buttontype.emit(); } }; const decoratedcmp = component(metadata)(dynamiccomponent); @ngmodule({ imports: [commonmodule, routermodule], declarations: [decoratedcmp] }) class dynamichtmlmodule { } return compiler.compilemoduleandallcomponentsasync(dynamichtmlmodule) .then((modulewithcomponentfactory: modulewithcomponentfactories<any>) => { console.log(decoratedcmp) console.log(modulewithcomponentfactory.componentfactories.find(x => x.componenttype === decoratedcmp)) return modulewithcomponentfactory.componentfactories.find(x => x.componenttype === decoratedcmp); }); } @component({ selector: 'mvc-partial', template: `<div #dynamichtml></div>` }) //@directive({ selector: 'mvc-partial' }) export class renderingviewdynamic implements oninit { @viewchild('dynamichtml', { read: viewcontainerref }) target: viewcontainerref; html: string = '<p></p>'; @input() url: string; cmpref: componentref<any>; constructor(private vcref: viewcontainerref, private compiler: compiler, private http: http) { } ngoninit() { this.http.get(this.url) .map(res => res.text()) .subscribe( (html) => { this.html = html; if (!html) return; if (this.cmpref) { this.cmpref.destroy(); } const compmetadata = new component({ selector: 'dynamic-html', template: this.html, }); createcomponentfactory(this.compiler,compmetadata) .then(factory => { //const injector = reflectiveinjector.fromresolvedproviders([], this.vcref.parentinjector); this.cmpref = this.target.createcomponent(factory!); }); }, err => console.log(err), () => console.log('mvcpartial complete') ); } ngondestroy() { if (this.cmpref) { this.cmpref.destroy(); } } }
<mvc-partial [url]="'/view/index'" (buttontype)="click()"></mvc-partial>
click(){ console.log("in razor") }
my question is, button in dynamic-html want bind event function in razor.ts.
like <dynamic-html>-<mvc-partial>-<razor>
how achieve it?
update: trying communicate service
class dynamiccomponent { constructor(private appservice: appservice) { } buttonpress() { this.appservice.onbuttonclickaction.emit() } }; const decoratedcmp = component(metadata)(dynamiccomponent); @ngmodule({ imports: [commonmodule, routermodule], declarations: [decoratedcmp], providers: [appservice] })
error pops: can't resolve parameters dynamiccomponent: (?).
above error solved adding @inject(forwardref(() => appservice)
constructor( @inject(forwardref(() => appservice)) private appservice: appservice) { }
you can bubble click event child parent using eventemitter:
clickemitter = new eventemitter(); clickemitter.emit(); <your-child-component (clickemitter)="functioninparent()"></your-child-component>
edit: if want reach child component per comment: <dynamic-html>-<mvc-partial>-<razor>
can reference components using hashtag (#) , name of hashtag or component name
@viewchild(mvcpartialcomponent) mvcpartialcomponent: mvcpartialcomponent; <mvc-partial #mvc-partial></mvc-partial> @viewchild('mvc-partial') mvcpartialcomponent: mvcpartialcomponent;
etc etc.
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