excel - How to avoid use of .Select and .Activate in creating a table? -
i’ve been told use of .select , .workbooks.activate not way write vba. code below tends work , there doesn’t seem real issues. activeworkbook not problem because of workbooks("fua.xlsm").activate. question then, alternative/approach? i’m sorry if waste of time or it’s stupid question, have heard using these methods not way in long run. worried not work or create problems in future. should noted without workbooks("fua.xlsm").activate code tends create errors gets confused workbook should select. in short, question is, how able avoid using select , .activate mitigate potential errors in future?
code follows..
dim wb1 excel.workbook dim wb2 excel.workbook set wb2 = workbooks.open("c:\users\ha.csv") set wb1 = workbooks("fua") dim sht1 worksheet dim sht2 worksheet dim copyrange range set sht1 = wb1.sheets("sheet1") set sht2 = wb2.sheets("ha") wb1.sheets("sheet1") range("aa3").select if application.worksheetfunction.counta(.cells) <> 0 lastrow = .cells.find(what:="*", _ after:=.range("aa3"), _ lookat:=xlpart, _ lookin:=xlformulas, _ searchorder:=xlbyrows, _ searchdirection:=xlprevious, _ matchcase:=false).row else lastrow = 1 end if end workbooks("fua.xlsm").activate range("aa3").select sht1.listobjects.add(xlsrcrange, , xlyes).name = _ "table1" range("table1[#all]").select sht1.listobjects("table1").range.autofilter field:=9, criteria1:= _ ">=-1000000000000", operator:=xland, criteria2:="<=1000000000000000" application.displayalerts = false selection.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy application.displayalerts = true set wb2 = workbooks.open("c:\users\ha.csv") application.displayalerts = false wb2.sheets("ha").paste wb2.saveas filename:= _ "c:\users\ha.csv", fileformat:= _ xlcsv, createbackup:=false workbooks("ha.csv").close end sub
probably down voted saying if ain't broke don't fix it. code works fine already, no real reason change unless doesn't work or errors popping up. sounds you've tested already.
your code optimised , faster though here alternative sake of avoiding select. if error 1004 select methods similar last line sht2.range("a:i").copy columns(last_col + 1).pastespecial
in code below continue anyway.
sub test() dim wb1 excel.workbook set wb1 = workbooks("xxx.xlsm") ' here, use wb1 refer fua.xlsm dim wb2 excel.workbook ' ditto wb2 set wb2 = workbooks.open("c:\users\ha.csv") dim sht1 worksheet ' ditto sht1 set sht1 = wb1.sheets("sheet1") dim sht2 worksheet set sht2 = wb2.sheets("ha") if application.worksheetfunction.counta(sht1.cells) <> 0 lastrow = sht1.cells.find( _ what:="*", _ after:=sht1.range("a1"), _ lookat:=xlpart, _ lookin:=xlformulas, _ searchorder:=xlbyrows, _ searchdirection:=xlprevious, _ matchcase:=false).row else lastrow = 1 end if sht1.listobjects.add(xlsrcrange, sht1.range("a:i"), xlyes).name = "table1" sht1.listobjects("table1").range.autofilter _ field:=9, _ criteria1:=">=-1000000000000", _ operator:=xland, _ criteria2:="<=1000000000000000" application.displayalerts = false ' not sure if needed sht1.range("a:i").specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy on error resume next sht2.range("a:i").copy columns(last_col + 1).pastespecial on error resume next application.displayalerts = true ' not sure if needed wb2.save ' c:\users\ha.csv wb2.close end sub
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