javascript - Upload file to Firebase Storage using AngularFire2 -
i working on project angular2 , firebase , willing upload images firebase storage.
so, created component contructor , function, and, then, template. not sure whether way declare variable firebaseapp, public firebaseapp: firebaseapp;
so, in component, have:
import { component, oninit, inject, input } '@angular/core'; import {angularfiredatabase, firebaselistobservable} 'angularfire2/database'; import { mddialog, mddialogref, md_dialog_data, mdbutton } '@angular/material'; import { http, headers, response } '@angular/http'; import {observable} 'rxjs/rx'; import { formbuilder, formgroup } '@angular/forms'; import { firebaseapp } 'angularfire2'; import 'firebase/storage'; @component({ selector: 'individual-chat', templateurl: './chat.component.html', styleurls: ['./chat.component.css'] }) export class individualchat implements oninit { public firebaseapp: firebaseapp; constructor( firebaseapp: firebaseapp, public afauth: angularfireauth, public af: angularfiredatabase, public http: http, public dialog: mddialog ){ } editchatdata(){'groupconversations/'+ this.my_id + '/' +this.conversation_id ).update({ groupname: ? : 'new group' }); } onchange(files) { console.log(files, files[0]); let storageref ='groupimages'); storageref.put(files[0]).then( snapshot => { console.log('successfully added'); }).catch(err => { console.error("whoupsss!", err) }) } ... }
and form created in template looks this:
<form name="form" (ngsubmit)="editchatdata()" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" #file (change)="onchange(file.files)" /> <input type="text" placeholder="group name" name="name" [(ngmodel)]="" #name="ngmodel" class="form-control" value=" {{ group_name }}" /> <button class="btn">done</button> </form>
i keep getting error:
error typeerror: cannot read property 'storage' of undefined
and, console.log in onchange(files) return object:
filelist {0: file, length: 1} length: 1, 0: file { lastmodified: 1503324156295 lastmodifieddate: mon aug 21 2017 17:02:36 gmt+0300 (eest), name:"screenshot 2017-08-21 17-02-36.png", size: 401442, type: "image/png", webkitrelativepath: "" }
cannot read property 'storage' of undefined
tells this.firebaseapp
you can initialize in constructor, way:
constructor( firebaseapp: firebaseapp, public afauth: angularfireauth, public af: angularfiredatabase, public http: http, public dialog: mddialog ) { this.firebaseapp = firebaseapp; }
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