VBA ServerXMLHTTP code works in Windows 7 but fails in Windows 10 -

using vba in microsoft access, sending xml server response string. works fine in windows 7. recently, users have upgraded windows 10, , no longers works (all users on office 16). specific error is: -2147012867 - connection server not established.

the error occurs on xsite.send line

here code:

dim xsite serverxmlhttp60 set xsite = new serverxmlhttp60  on error resume next  xsite.settimeouts 0, 60000, 30000, 600000  xsite.open "post", pserverurl & func, false aerr = array(err.number, err.description) on error goto 0 if 0 = aerr(0) 'no error creating link     xsite.setrequestheader "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"     'set request header base64-encoded username/password     xsite.setrequestheader "authorization", "basic " & encodebase64(username & ":" & password)     on error resume next     xsite.send "xmldata=" & urlencode(xmldata)     aerr = array(err.number, err.description)     on error goto 0      debug.print aerr(0)     debug.print aerr(1) end if 

any ideas?



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