kubernetes - kubelet does not have ClusterDNS IP configured and cannot create Pod using "ClusterFirst" policy. Falling back to DNSDefault policy -
just started kubernetes. have 3 physical machines: 1 master, 2 nodes. did getting started configuration. seems , running, nodes can communicate master, when try install sample application (following kubernetes guide: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/) warning on , on again:
'kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. falling dnsdefault policy.'
and can't access app in: master_ip:30001 idea in going on , how fix it?
here configuration:
kubectl nodes name status age version master-precision-t1600 ready 19h v1.7.4 node2-precision-t1600 ready 19h v1.7.4 kubectl pods --all-namespaces namespace name ready status restarts age kube-system etcd-master-precision-t1600 1/1 running 1 19h kube-system kube-apiserver-master-precision-t1600 1/1 running 1 19h kube-system kube-controller-manager-master-precision-t1600 1/1 running 1 19h kube-system kube-dns-2425271678-xrlp4 3/3 running 3 19h kube-system kube-proxy-58qm6 1/1 running 1 19h kube-system kube-proxy-tjskl 1/1 running 1 19h kube-system kube-scheduler-master-precision-t1600 1/1 running 1 19h kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-3313488171-7n56j 1/1 running 0 38m kube-system weave-net-1hjxl 2/2 running 2 19h kube-system weave-net-lwk8r 2/2 running 2 19h sock-shop carts-2469883122-h8f4n 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop carts-db-1721187500-pkpk0 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop catalogue-4293036822-hpkgp 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop catalogue-db-1846494424-xlb8m 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop front-end-2337481689-s8bkm 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop orders-733484335-n7h4c 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop orders-db-3728196820-12rt8 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop payment-3050936124-kwqfs 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop queue-master-2067646375-n8sgj 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop rabbitmq-241640118-dqh6p 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop shipping-2463450563-g01sw 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop user-1574605338-kwqmp 1/1 running 0 1h sock-shop user-db-3152184577-w3f39 1/1 running 0 1h kubectl describe nodes name: master-precision-t1600 role: labels: beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64 beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux kubernetes.io/hostname=master-precision-t1600 node-role.kubernetes.io/master= annotations: node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl=0 volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach=true taints: node-role.kubernetes.io/master:noschedule creationtimestamp: tue, 22 aug 2017 17:05:06 +0200 conditions: type status lastheartbeattime lasttransitiontime reason message ---- ------ ----------------- ------------------ ------ ------- outofdisk false wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:45 +0200 tue, 22 aug 2017 17:05:02 +0200 kubelethassufficientdisk kubelet has sufficient disk space available memorypressure false wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:45 +0200 tue, 22 aug 2017 17:05:02 +0200 kubelethassufficientmemory kubelet has sufficient memory available diskpressure false wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:45 +0200 tue, 22 aug 2017 17:05:02 +0200 kubelethasnodiskpressure kubelet has no disk pressure ready true wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:45 +0200 tue, 22 aug 2017 17:05:02 +0200 kubeletready kubelet posting ready status. apparmor enabled addresses: internalip: xxx.xxx.xxx.215 hostname: master-precision-t1600 capacity: alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 0 cpu: 8 memory: 8127968ki pods: 110 allocatable: alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 0 cpu: 8 memory: 8025568ki pods: 110 system info: machine id: d718aa59fbe54581a9b058eb453ca453 system uuid: 4c4c4544-005a-4410-805a-c4c04f32354a boot id: 687c603a-aad9-477a-a398-dfffeeaa4cd0 kernel version: 4.10.0-32-generic os image: ubuntu 16.04.3 lts operating system: linux architecture: amd64 container runtime version: docker://1.11.2 kubelet version: v1.7.4 kube-proxy version: v1.7.4 externalid: master-precision-t1600 non-terminated pods: (8 in total) namespace name cpu requests cpu limits memory requests memory limits --------- ---- ------------ ---------- --------------- ------------- kube-system etcd-master-precision-t1600 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) kube-system kube-apiserver-master-precision-t1600 250m (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) kube-system kube-controller-manager-master-precision-t1600 200m (2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) kube-system kube-dns-2425271678-xrlp4 260m (3%) 0 (0%) 110mi (1%) 170mi (2%) kube-system kube-proxy-58qm6 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) kube-system kube-scheduler-master-precision-t1600 100m (1%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-3313488171-7n56j 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) kube-system weave-net-1hjxl 20m (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) allocated resources: (total limits may on 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.) cpu requests cpu limits memory requests memory limits ------------ ---------- --------------- ------------- 830m (10%) 0 (0%) 110mi (1%) 170mi (2%) events: firstseen lastseen count subobjectpath type reason message --------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ ------- 39m 30s 36 kubelet, master-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "kubernetes-dashboard-3313488171-7n56j_kube-system(1ed597d4-87e8-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. name: node2-precision-t1600 role: labels: beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64 beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux kubernetes.io/hostname=node2-precision-t1600 annotations: node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl=0 volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach=true taints: <none> creationtimestamp: tue, 22 aug 2017 17:10:43 +0200 conditions: type status lastheartbeattime lasttransitiontime reason message ---- ------ ----------------- ------------------ ------ ------- outofdisk false wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:49 +0200 wed, 23 aug 2017 11:42:43 +0200 kubelethassufficientdisk kubelet has sufficient disk space available memorypressure false wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:49 +0200 wed, 23 aug 2017 11:42:43 +0200 kubelethassufficientmemory kubelet has sufficient memory available diskpressure false wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:49 +0200 wed, 23 aug 2017 11:42:43 +0200 kubelethasnodiskpressure kubelet has no disk pressure ready true wed, 23 aug 2017 12:26:49 +0200 wed, 23 aug 2017 11:42:43 +0200 kubeletready kubelet posting ready status. apparmor enabled addresses: internalip: hostname: node2-precision-t1600 capacity: alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 1 cpu: 8 memory: 8127968ki pods: 110 allocatable: alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 1 cpu: 8 memory: 8025568ki pods: 110 system info: machine id: d701c70173f547168978ca276552bb88 system uuid: 4c4c4544-005a-4410-805a-b5c04f32354a boot id: 827de455-66cb-481d-a362-557a17db11f4 kernel version: 4.10.0-32-generic os image: ubuntu 16.04.3 lts operating system: linux architecture: amd64 container runtime version: docker://1.11.2 kubelet version: v1.7.4 kube-proxy version: v1.7.4 externalid: node2-precision-t1600 non-terminated pods: (15 in total) namespace name cpu requests cpu limits memory requests memory limits --------- ---- ------------ ---------- --------------- ------------- kube-system kube-proxy-tjskl 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) kube-system weave-net-lwk8r 20m (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop carts-2469883122-h8f4n 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop carts-db-1721187500-pkpk0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop catalogue-4293036822-hpkgp 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop catalogue-db-1846494424-xlb8m 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop front-end-2337481689-s8bkm 100m (1%) 0 (0%) 100mi (1%) 0 (0%) sock-shop orders-733484335-n7h4c 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop orders-db-3728196820-12rt8 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop payment-3050936124-kwqfs 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop queue-master-2067646375-n8sgj 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop rabbitmq-241640118-dqh6p 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop shipping-2463450563-g01sw 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop user-1574605338-kwqmp 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) sock-shop user-db-3152184577-w3f39 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) allocated resources: (total limits may on 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.) cpu requests cpu limits memory requests memory limits ------------ ---------- --------------- ------------- 120m (1%) 0 (0%) 100mi (1%) 0 (0%) events: firstseen lastseen count subobjectpath type reason message --------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ ------- 44m 44m 1 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 normal nodeready node node2-precision-t1600 status now: nodeready 44m 44m 3 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 normal nodehassufficientdisk node node2-precision-t1600 status now: nodehassufficientdisk 44m 44m 3 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 normal nodehassufficientmemory node node2-precision-t1600 status now: nodehassufficientmemory 44m 44m 3 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 normal nodehasnodiskpressure node node2-precision-t1600 status now: nodehasnodiskpressure 44m 44m 1 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 normal nodeallocatableenforced updated node allocatable limit across pods 44m 44m 1 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning rebooted node node2-precision-t1600 has been rebooted, boot id: 827de455-66cb-481d-a362-557a17db11f4 44m 44m 1 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 normal starting starting kubelet. 44m 44m 1 kube-proxy, node2-precision-t1600 normal starting starting kube-proxy. 43m 11m 9 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "rabbitmq-241640118-dqh6p_sock-shop(79e3bb08-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 5m 24 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "orders-db-3728196820-12rt8_sock-shop(79ca1e21-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 2m 22 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "payment-3050936124-kwqfs_sock-shop(79cb96f4-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 2m 28 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "shipping-2463450563-g01sw_sock-shop(79fa9dd4-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 43m 2m 22 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "carts-2469883122-h8f4n_sock-shop(79bbf964-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 1m 30 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "user-db-3152184577-w3f39_sock-shop(7a303582-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 1m 16 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "user-1574605338-kwqmp_sock-shop(7a11a937-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 1m 20 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "catalogue-db-1846494424-xlb8m_sock-shop(79c24789-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 54s 26 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "queue-master-2067646375-n8sgj_sock-shop(79d46bb2-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 45s 30 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "front-end-2337481689-s8bkm_sock-shop(79c49a6c-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 44m 24s 11 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "carts-db-1721187500-pkpk0_sock-shop(79bd1f99-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 43m 11s 25 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "catalogue-4293036822-hpkgp_sock-shop(79bf628c-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 43m 3s 25 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "orders-733484335-n7h4c_sock-shop(79c6f31c-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy. 43m 0s 228 kubelet, node2-precision-t1600 warning missingclusterdns (combined similar events): kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. pod: "payment-3050936124-kwqfs_sock-shop(79cb96f4-87e4-11e7-ab01-782bcba630bb)". falling dnsdefault policy.
edit 1: mike told me in answer got dns ip : kubectl services --namespace=kube-system
. things i've tried far change command-line flags:
- add in execstart kubeadm.conf --cluster-dns
- execute kubelet --cluster-dns
both without results
the kubelet service needs command-line flag set cluster dns ip - looks you're running kube-dns, can ip either running kubectl services --namespace=kube-system
or grabbing ip "clusterip" field on kube-dns service yaml or json config.
once have ip, you'll have set --cluster-dns command-line flag kubelet.
i haven't used kubeadm setup cluster, i'm not sure how runs services , can't how change command-line flags - knows can provide input piece.
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