bash - How to read XML and write to text file using shell script? -
how read xml tags , it's value in shell script? searched , found possible when know tag name.
but, want script reads tags in xml(repeated tags), contains values. in xml, tags may change. so, want script can work different xmls.
<data> <employees> <employee location = "paris"> <name> andy </name> <id> 101 </id> </employee> <employee location = "germany"> <name> batman </name> <id> 202 </id> </employee> </employees> </data>
i want read xml , write text file below:
name : alex id: 101 location: paris name : batman id: 202 location: germany
try following , let me know if helps you.
awk ' /<\/data>/{ a=""; next } /<data>/{ a=1; next } /location/ && a{ gsub(/\"|>/,"",$nf); location=$nf; next } /name/ && a{ name=$2; next } /id/ && a{ print "name : ",name rs "id: ",$2 rs "location: ",location; next } ' input_file
as per op's request sine no tags should hard coded adding following solution now.
edit2: not xml expert tried here, please check once.
awk 'nf==1 && (/ +<[a-za-z]+>/ || /^<[a-za-z]+>/ || / +<\/[a-za-z]+>/){ next } { sub(/^ +/,"") gsub(/\"|<|>/,"",$0); sub(/\/.*/,""); if($0){ print } } ' input_file
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